According to a new study by scientists from Michigan University, a person’s desire to commit suicide can be caused an excess of glutamic acid in the brain. Glutamate is one of the necessary the body of amino acids from food. Derivative of this substances, the well-known monosodium glutamate, as we know, is common dietary supplement. A photo from open sources Modern doctors sound the alarm: suicide firmly among the ten most common causes of death. In search of an answer to the question why people are increasingly reducing scores with life, scientists put forward a lot of hypotheses: they blame stress, caused by the pressure of megacities, the impact of digital technology, enhancing the fragmentation and isolation of people, and even a failure in the exchange substances. Oddly enough, the latter theory makes sense. In the article published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, staff University of Michigan investigate neurotransmitter excess relationship glutamate in the brain and craving for suicide. Glutamate is known to work Depends on the presence of quinolinic acid: it induces cells use this neurotransmitter more intensively. More in the body of a person of a given acid, the more intensively they run along neural circuits glutamate impulses. Researchers tested quinoline levels acid in cerebrospinal fluid in hundreds of patients. Two thirds of they were hospitalized after a failed attempt suicides, the rest were hospitalized with others problems. As it turned out, the level of quinolinic acid (which means and glutamate impulse activity) directly correlated with cravings to suicide. Those who tried to take their own scores with life have a level of acid was on average twice as high. In addition, scientists found the more quinolinic acid was found in the patient’s body, the more painful thoughts he overwhelmed. After six months, scientists re-examined the same people. Who thoughts of suicide, by their own admission, disappeared, they the level of quinolinic acid and the neurotransmitter glutamate decreased respectively. In the light of these data, it became clear why inflammation in neural tissue is often the leading factor in statistics suicide: this process also raises the content quinolinic acid. Scientists add that if available psychiatrists were effective glutamine blockers or perceivers its receptors, this would probably save a lot of lives. Of the currently known substances, only the drug is ketamine, but for obvious reasons it cannot be considered effective medicine for “suicide prevention”. Famous glutamic acid derivative – monosodium glutamate – has characteristic meat taste and is used in factory production sauces, sausages, semi-finished products and many other products. Till it is unclear whether use has an effect on suicidal tendency glutamate supplementation. However, the connection between the wrong nutrition and depression have long been proven. This phenomenon has a whole a number of reasons. First, with excessive consumption of heavy red meat and fatty fast food food does not have time to digest completely, and in the intestine begins the release of toxic substances protein nature. Absorbed in the blood, they inhibit the nervous system, causing increased fatigue, irritability and depressive states. Eating sweets is also capable lead to depletion of the nervous system. “Fast” carbohydrates have the property is almost instantly absorbed and sharply raise the level glucose in the blood, which leads to a short-term rise in mood and a surge of energy. Unfortunately, two to three hours after eating the dessert sugar level also drops sharply, causing an equally sharp decreased mood and loss of strength. Wanting to repeat the effect, man relies on sweets again, and the “pendulum” of mood swings more and more. If sweets also contain a large percentage of fat, like cakes and cream cakes, they render similar narcotic sedative effect. This feature of fatty foods, according to nutritionists, it’s associated not only with digestion processes, but also fixed evolutionarily. Fatty Meat and Other Hearty Foods infrequently fell to our ancestors; such luck meant that finally you can eat up to the dump and for some time not be afraid starvation death. True, this sedative effect does not last long, but fatty foods are addictive. “Sugar, salt and fat stimulate brain, soothe and relieve stress, thereby causing addiction. The self-preservation instinct against them is powerless: the more sweets we eat, the stronger and more you want, “says nutritionist Eugenia Kobylyatskaya. Only mood swings caused by frequent the use of fatty and sweet, can loosen the psyche, and to they often add a regular weight gain, which is also not adds positive. In 2011, the results were published. a six-year experiment by a group of Canadian and Spanish scientists, in during which researchers observed 12 thousand fast food lovers. There were practically no other factors observed in these volunteers. risk – they did not drink alcohol, did not smoke and during observations were not severely stressed. It would seem which junk food can have an effect on the psyche if the person as a whole healthy, not suffering from alcoholism and not experiencing life dramas? However, 657 volunteers during this time experienced severe depression, moreover, this happened to some several times in six years. Scientists tend to blame fast food for it, and most of all – trans fats in prepared sauces and spreads, margarine and mayonnaise. These substances, according to experts, disrupt metabolic processes in the body and provoke negative changes in central nervous system. If you take into account the data on the harmful food with depression, as well as the latest correlation news suicidal intent with an excess of glutamic acid, the hypothesis of that a trivial food supplement can lead to suicide, It seems not so ridiculous. However, one can draw such conclusions. will be when the results of further research. In the meantime, scientists are looking for mechanisms that can inhibit the negative activity of glutamic acid in the brain. Yana Filimonova
Life time