GMOs Suspected of Destructive Fiber Morgellon’s disease

Appearing straight from the sci-fi horror movie a mysterious disease that causes abscesses, rashes and the appearance of caustic fibers under the skin may be genetically linked modified organisms. Photos from open sources In addition to the sensations of crawling insects, Morgellon’s disease causes other disturbing symptoms: excessive chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, short-term memory loss and degradation of the thought process, attention deficit and bipolar obsessive states syndrome. Also excessive depression and suicidal tendencies are common. One of the first recorded cases of Morgellon’s disease in the United States was a three-year-old boy who had colorful plastic-like fibers from the irritated area around his mouth. Miss Leitao, the boy’s mother, a biologist, was both shocked and confused by his condition. Numerous doctors have prescribed creams for scabies and eczema, but nothing helped her son get rid from constant itching and discomfort, described by him as “insects.” The doctors were at a loss and even recommended that “Miss Leitao sought help from a psychiatrist, “as Dr. Heldrick writes in her article “Mother is looking for answers to the question of what is wrong with her son” at the Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper. Dr. Wymore, Assistant Professor in pharmacology and physiology at State University Oklahoma contacted Leitao to try to classify disease. He found that “the fibers in different people look absolutely identical among themselves, but at the same time do not correspond to any known natural fibers. “Morgellon’s disease is found in primarily in the United States, mainly in California, Texas and Florida. All three states are the main producers of genetically modified cotton Bt. More than 10,000 families in which, according to their opinion, there was at least one member with this disease, registered in Morgellon’s Disease Research Foundation. 24 percent of all families located in the San Francisco Bay area. Is incomprehensible caused GMO disease? Dr. Rima Leibou, Foundation Medical Director Natural Solutions suspects that Morgellon’s disease is caused genetically modified organisms. After examining the skin fibers, it was determined that they contain both fungal DNA and bacteria commonly used in GMOs. The fibers are made up of cellulose and can neither be worked out nor destroyed by the human body. According to Leibou “… GM technology is capable, as is the case with Professor Frankenstein, revive the inanimate. These fibers twist and curl, grow and divide. In short, living under the skin people, they form parasitic metastases from inanimate material that, due to the horrors of genetic modification, has taken properties of a living organism. “A letter received by Leibou proves how GM “bio-active textiles” may actually turn out to be causative agent of Morgellon’s disease. Several university laboratories have created tissues with genetically modified bacteria E. coli, chemicals, nematodes (roundworms) and proteins embedded in their structure. Then the technology was sold to textile manufacturers for widespread use. Fibers found in fabric are absolutely similar to the fibers found under the skin of people affected by Morgellon’s disease. Both are composed from cellulose, have a “tendency to spiral” (genetically incorporated property), autofluorescence (also the result of genetic manipulation) and contain DNA genetically modified bacteria. Regardless of whether she is called unknown causes, GM food or clothing, Morgellon’s disease has become a big problem of our time. Given that growth the extent of the disease coincides with the introduction and use of GMOs in textile and food industries, it is clearly not worth the risk and eat or wear something genetically modified.

DNA Insects USA

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