A photo from open sources
Which of us would not like to look into the future? Millions people around the world spend big money paying for services prophets and magicians. Whether predictions come true is another question, but steady demand is evident. Official science is not worth it either in place and trying in every possible way to see what events we are expected years later. Will humanity learn to foresee future?
Iran invented a time machine
According to the British newspaper Daily Telegraph, the Iranian center strategic innovation patented the invention of the Time Machine Aryayeka. According to the scientist Ali Razegi, this machine does not tolerate person into the future, and only predicts it by fingerprints 5-8 years in advance. This invention is not larger than usual computer and uses complex algorithms.
The scientist has been working on the apparatus for the past ten years. Now with using this invention, the Iranian authorities, in his opinion, will be able to predict the possibility of military clashes or vacillations exchange rates of currencies or oil prices. “Government capable look into the future for 5 years, will be able to prepare for potentially dangerous situations, “- said the scientist. Ali Razegi claims that his know-how can predict the future of anyone with 98 percent accuracy person.
How exactly was the scientist able to verify the accuracy of the predictions machines not reported. Details are also kept secret. regarding the operation of the algorithm, as well as the presentation results. Rasegi is afraid to let his invention into the mass production, because he believes that his idea can be stolen the Chinese and make millions of copies. Verify the veracity of these The information is pretty complicated. Every year in the media there are many statements from various scientists about the alleged invention of a time machine, but so far no one has managed to be in the past or the future, and moreover, change it.
New program will predict the future
Scientists at the Israel Institute of Technology along with Microsoft said they were developed an interesting computer program that can look into the future and even predict what events will happen tomorrow. This program analyzes different sources information and determines what events, when and why happened in the past. Then the machine displays certain patterns and, Based on this information, it can with an accuracy of 70-90 percent predict social unrest and outbreaks. Bye scientists Do not think about commercializing this program. For today day, the computer program is still in test mode. TO In addition, scientists seek to increase the accuracy of its work by increasing the number of sources of information for analysis.
Smartphones will be able to predict the future of their owners
British scientists have developed an algorithm that with a large share probability predicts where the smartphone owner will go. Research was conducted at the University School of Computer Science at Birmingham. They showed that you can guess the future location user, if you analyze his previous movements, data on outgoing and incoming calls, used applications and Information posted on social networks. All this, of course, is information from open sources.
In addition, virtually every mobile device exists GPS receiver. If not, then calculate the location of the owner the phone can be based on the geolocation data of cellular antennas. Information on possible plans of a person will be useful for marketers and advertisers. They can improve accuracy. targeting by recommending specific stores in advance The area where the potential customer is expected to be located. Also, these data will help law enforcement officers predict potential crime scenes.
Google and the CIA want to predict the future
Glance into the future is interesting not only for ordinary citizens and to scientists. Intelligence agencies cannot stay away when it comes about prediction. So, Google and the CIA have invested in a company that predicts future events, based on online monitoring of the world wide web.
Recorded Future scans tens of thousands of sites, blogs and twitter, trying to find hidden connections between people, organizations, past and future events and activities. The company’s management claims that they created an analytical engine capable of detecting “invisible connections” between organizations, documents and events.
The idea is to find out which blog posts and twitter preceded events, and then, on Based on this data, predict future events. Certainly Recorded Future developments have great potential for warning of unwanted trends and events. Google and In-Q-Tel (CIA investment company) back in 2009, invested their funds to this company. No one discloses the exact amount of the transaction. AND Google and In-Q-Tel Have Board Seats Recorded Future. It should be noted that Google is not the first time doing business with the CIA. Watching the search giant actively working with U.S. intelligence, many are starting to worry about that information about them may fall into the hands ill-wishers.
Everyone can predict the future
While some scientists are trying to come up with some innovative methods for predicting the future, others claim that anyone can predict the future. About this, in particular, said American scientists. University of Washington staff even found a region of the brain responsible for clairvoyance.
Scientists were guided by the fact that every person in his life predicts certain events, for example, when a bus arrives, or who is ringing the doorbell. Researchers decide to study brain function volunteers using magnetic resonance imaging. Test subject showed videos of ordinary events: the housewife was engaged washing, the child collected the designer, the man washed the car, etc. In at a certain point, the recording stopped, and scientists asked predict volunteers what happens next. 80-90 percent cases, volunteers answered correctly.
According to the head of this study, Professor Jeffrey Zax, such a prediction of the future is crucial for survival human being and is a key component in learning and perception speech. “It’s good when you can run away from the attacking lion, but it’s much better to predict which road may lie in wait for you predator and choose another, “says the scientist.
During this experiment, it was particularly active structure in the midbrain called black matter (substantia nigra). Black substance is responsible for taking vital important decisions that help a person survive either adapt to the environment.
And not so long ago, Russian parapsychologists said that the phenomenon of foresight is inherent in every person. Not worth looking for the future in planets, beans, maps, computers and coffee grounds, you need to study your own consciousness. According to their theory, predict the future is the innate ability of the human brain.
The essence of the information theory of Russian parapsychologists is reduced to to the following: the human brain is a matrix filled with diverse information codes. Living in a three-dimensional time stream, man constantly radiates and receives information. Radiated Information recedes into the past, and received – comes from the future. Information Is a connection between the physical and mental body of a person, and a person receives and transmits it. A person is simultaneously in past and future. People send information to themselves signals from the past to the future, and vice versa. Human can independently model your future, because it is multivariate. Simply put, any person is his own prophet.
Sergey Vasilenkov
Time Iran Time Machine Smartphones