Google maps Faroe Islands with sheep help

Google maps the Faroe Islands with the help of sheepA photo from open sources

There are still no Faroe Islands on Google maps, located between Iceland and Norway, that is, this place is still since remains uncharted earth of our planet. True google decided to correct this mistake and found the original for this decision.

Currently, the global Internet corporation is solving this the problem with the help of sheep and sheep, which in the Faroe Islands there are up to one hundred thousand with a population of only fifty thousand human. First of all, interested in such a card travel agencies, for example, Dorita Dalia Andreassen. They say what exactly her employees offered Google so original way to create a map. To do this, it is enough to supply a certain the number of sheep with circular cameras, and these animals can handle with the task, and even better than cars, with with the help of which all maps of the Google maps service were compiled.

Soon, millions of users of this service will be able to virtually visit the picturesque places of the Faroe Islands, get acquainted with their life. Naturally, some of them will want to go there and see everything with your own eyes, which is what travel companies are counting on. By the way, the Faroe Islands can be translated into Russian as islands sheep. So, it’s not for nothing that mainly these people still live here. animals whose grazing is of considerable interest to tourists.

The islands

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