A photo from open sources The most grandiose wonder of the world – Great The wall of China, which has a length of almost nine thousand kilometers, it is perceived today by far not as fortification counter-attacks against enemy raids, but only in the form of unique ancient monument. For this reason, few thinks, and on which side of this wall were the same enemies?
A photo from open sources
The Chinese wall was not built by the Chinese
But in 2011, British archaeologists unearthed an unknown part of the wall of China, and came in utter amazement: her loopholes were directed towards modern China. Turns out that the famous wall was not built by the Chinese, then by whom and from whom?
Nomadic tribes lived hardly to the north of Ancient China. could build such a grandiose structure. Anyway, scientists felt that even with modern technologies for construction such a wall would require tens of thousands of kilometers railways, involve hundreds of thousands of cars, cranes and other equipment, throw tens of millions of people and spend on everything it is not less than hundreds of years.
In ancient times there were no such opportunities, it means to build giant wall, compared to which even the Egyptian pyramids seem to be toys in the sandbox, it took more than one thousand years. What for and who needed it, because it is pointless with both economic and military point of view. But someone built this wall, rather with more technology than we do Today. But who? And for what?
A photo from open sources
The Chinese wall was built by the Slavs
Medieval geographic atlas helped answer this question. Abraham Ortelius, released back in 1570. It was possible on it notice that modern China is divided into two parts – southern China and server-side Catai. It was between them that the wall was laid, which, apparently, was built by the inhabitants of the mysterious Tartaria, occupying the territory of Siberia and the Far East of modern Russia and the northern part of modern China.
The ancient vessels found in the northern provinces of China back in the sixties of the last century, but decrypted recently. Paradoxical as it may seem, they were written on the runica – ancient Slavic writing. Yes and in China’s ancient treatises often speak of white people who live in northern lands and communicate directly with the Gods. These were ancient Slavs, descendants of Hyperborea living in Tartaria. They are and they built the Great, not the Chinese, but the Slavic wall. By the way, on runica, the word “china” means only “high wall”.
The truth about the wall of China is not needed by the powerful
But against whom was this “high wall” built? It turns out against the race of the Great Dragon, which White fought for a long time race Rusich, living in Tartaria. This battle is at the level of two extraterrestrial civilizations ended with the great victory of the White race for more than seven half a thousand years ago. It is this date that the Slavs consider the beginning the creation of the World, the ancient Slavic calendar began with it, which, unfortunately, was canceled by Peter the Great.
A photo from open sources
And the fact that once the war of extraterrestrial civilizations occurred, they say the legends of many peoples of the world, of course, it is reflected in the traditions Slavic and Chinese people. So why aren’t these civilizations left no trace on earth? It turns out left, and the Great The Chinese Wall is not the only unique evidence of this. A lot of such artifacts were found, but to publish all these no one is in a hurry or even dares the data: first, then you need rewrite the whole history and geography, secondly, to many peoples, let’s say the same Americans or Chinese, this is not at all profitable.
Even we Russians cannot restore our true history – the history of the ancient Slavs, which, as it turns out, counts not centuries, and millennia. However, watch the new documentary “Ancient China Rus”, where you will find answers to these and many more other issues that contemporary “fundamental” is silent about the science.
China Pyramids Russia