Greed is not a sin, but a driving force progress

It’s a strange and shameful feeling: it’s very a pity to give something away yours to a stranger, and sometimes even to a loved one, free of charge. Greedy, we have a dual feeling: the first impulse – give, but suddenly the inner voice stops: “It will cost!” Photo from open sources In Russia, according to opinion polls of the fund “Public Opinion” (POF), one out of five admits avarice resident of. This is much less than in other countries. For example, in the USA greedy – every fourth, and in Sweden – every third. Most often Russians save on purchases, trying to make them either cheaper places and taking advantage of discounts, or completely refusing to acquire not “vital” things. About two percent people out of greed refused to lend money. And one percent spared money “for flowers to his wife” and even “for a crossword puzzle for grandmother.” But interestingly, many of the respondents admitted that not very they are burdened by their avarice. It does not bother them to live. Moreover, some are even convinced that there is “something good” in greed. A one in ten does not condemn greed and even jellies those whom the “toad smothers. “And there are even those who envy greedy and admire them ability to refuse. Almost everyone is sure that men and women are stingy the same way. But who is more greedy – rich or poor, here opinions differ. 15 percent think that both others, and 74 percent are convinced that the meanie are rich. And in Hollywood stars – the most fisted on tip. So, in a ranking compiled by American journalists, the leader is Madonna, who, as a rule, “forgets” to thank the waiters. Behind her is Britney Spears, who spills only the whole little thing in your pockets. And closes the three fisted – rock star and main “rolling” Mick Jagger, who instead of a tip leaves his autograph on a napkin. The oligarchs are also good! The richest man of the world – 83-year-old Swede, founder of IKEA chain of stores Ingvar Kamprad – with his fortune of almost $ 30 billion flies only economy class, stops in three-star hotels, often uses public transport present a pensioner certificate entitling to a discount. Yes that the “stars” of the screen and businessmen! The genius of all time was this sin is inherent. The great sculptor of the Renaissance Michelangelo, being the richest artist of the era, he complained to friends all the time to your eternal lack of money. And from saving, I lived practically in poverty. And the apotheosis of stinginess of William Shakespeare was the famous a will in which he painted and distributed each spoon and a ploshchk to all his descendants in the seventh generation. The little crooks were known Athanasius Fet, Vasily Zhukovsky, Ivan Turgenev, Grem Green, Arkady Averchenko, Valentin Kataev. So, maybe greed is not a sin at all? SPECIALIST COMMENT Professor of Moscow Psychology Humanitarian-Economic Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of the monograph “The Seven Deadly Sins for Believers and Unbelievers” Yuri Shcherbatykh: – Greed – in our genes, transmitted from ours distant ancestors. Two million years ago in short supply resources, people, in order to survive, sought as soon as possible capture more food, raw materials, tools and hunting. And very reluctantly shared their prey and conquered lands with relatives. When money appeared, the character of the self-serving changed feelings: a man began to “fight for metal.” After all, for Chistogan you can to get almost everything in the world. And the level of human greed has become determined by the upbringing and influence of society. That is, many greed has become not only innate, but also acquired. Not always this feeling is negative. So, many people confuse the concept of “greed”, “frugality”, “stinginess”, “prudence”. And between these terms There is a fundamental difference. For example, the term “greed” combines two concepts: “greed,” when encompassing the desire to receive as possible more, and “stinginess” when you want to spend as much as possible smaller. And such seemingly laudable character traits as prudence, thrift and thrift can also go into discharge of stinginess, if they cross the line of reason and become obsession. And I understand those people who do not blame the miser. IN in a sense, greed, like envy, is the driving force progress. They both kindle ambition, promote development entrepreneurship, industry, and commerce force a person move to catch up and overtake “his neighbor.” Between By the way, the famous Edison made most of his inventions with to get rich. One thing is dangerous: to go against conscience for the sake of profit. After all, subject to greedy passion, people make marriages of convenience, abandon their children and parents, spoil relationships with the best friends. So that the feeling of greed does not capture you entirely, I I advise you to remember the words of the wise Solomon that happiness is a state souls. And the poor soul can sing carefree while the soul a rich man may be covered in a black veil of envy and anger. BTW At the instinct level we are all generous Scientists argue: if people do not give time to think about the question “give – not give”, they show miracles nobility. – Our instinct makes us stretch immediately hand and give everything to the asker no matter what he asks, ”explains Nobel laureate in economics, author of the book “Thinking fast and slow “Daniel Kahneman. – But if you give us at least minute to analyze the situation, then our hand will shrink in fist. According to Kahneman, we make most decisions in the result of a struggle between two brain processes. On the one hand, we have there are quick, intuitive thoughts that are often generated emotions. They are opposed by controlled thinking. Apparently that’s why more beggars receive those beggars who ask so to speak, eye to eye. A email from charitable organization often leaves us indifferent. Svetlana KUZINA

Time Money Russia

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