A photo open source Chinese media staff Information shared with Internet users interesting discovery. On the river section near the Amur River, which divides the Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China, Asian journalists photographed a scarecrow guarding the border between states with border tower. A scarecrow dressed in military uniform and from afar looks like person.
A resident of Heilongjiang Province in the northeast China photographed nature here and, quite by accident Russian tower, noticed that on it instead of the border guard stands scarecrow in clothes of protective color. Soon about the inventiveness of Russians learned by other locals, and behind them, and journalists who felt that the whole world should know about the dummy.
A photo from open sources
The news really quickly spread across the Internet, hitting on numerous news and entertainment sites. “Russians so severe that even a scarecrow is able to reliably guard them border, “writes one English-speaking commentator.” You’re laughing in vain, suddenly it’s the newest Russian border guard robot, ”suggests other. “Russians force innocent scarecrows to work for heavy thankless work. It’s time to introduce new sanctions, “- sharpens the third. “If they hadn’t said it was a fake, I’d have thought that our usual thumpy and tired soldier, “- says Russian commentator.
Other users have suggested that towers themselves are an indicator that the territory is protected, and living people there to be optional. Or he can suggest more: China – Russia, friendship forever, as it was before Khrushchev quarreled USSR with the PRC.
A photo from open sources