Photos from open Since ancient times, all peoples have always had a special relationship to to hair. Human hair and his character are inextricably linked between by myself. The famous astrologer and magician of the 12th-13th centuries Michael Scott claimed that hair is soft, smooth and fair inherent in people timid and peaceful. And tough, curly – strong, simple-minded, careless and not very smart, but extremely confident in himself. Naughty tangled hair, according to Scott, speaks of stubbornness, naivety and limitedness of their owner. Owners thick hair all over the head, prone to wasting, carelessness, gullibility, laziness and rancor. If the hair thick mostly at the temples, and all the more low fall on the forehead, then their master is a man of simple and rude disposition, moreover stupid. Very black hair is more common in people zealous in work, secretive, successful and more likely good than evil. And the owners fair hair, he believed, are adept at everything were engaged. In addition, they are good family men and … big bouncers. Modern research confirms that the relationship between the nature of the person and the characteristics of his hair really exist. It is believed that the color of human hair (natural, of course) actually something can tell about him. And although there is no certainty, patterns are still traced. Special related to temperament. It is noted that black hair more often characteristic of people impulsive, emotional, choleric. Chestnut hair of different shades is usually found in sanguine people – living, easily excitable, openly expressing their emotions and thoughts. Red and golden hair is most often inherent in people who are strong, intelligent, friendly however, these qualities are often hidden natures cunning, flattering, envious, wayward, prone to outbreaks anger, to slander and gossip. Blond hair is inherent in people phlegmatic – balanced, moderate and prudent. There are such patterns: the coarser and thicker the hair, the the owner of the hair is more active, uncompromising and even aggressive. And vice versa – the owner of soft, thin and sparse hair is much more likely there are people who are sensitive, flexible, responsive. Marked and the fact that self-confident people lose their hair faster … However, the nature of these patterns is still unknown. Human hair – a kind of antenna, thanks to which it perceives energy space and exchanges information with the outside world. There is the opinion that the hair is “tuned” for the most part to the so-called yang-energy. It is believed that this type of cosmic radiation gives will and activity, determination and riskiness, aggressiveness, ability to rational logical thinking and other qualities … So maybe it is no coincidence that women’s hair so condemned by our ancestors They were considered a sign. rebellion, insolence, pride, independence and disrespect traditions. After all, the hair collected on the back of the head into a knot is not only reduce the impact on the human environment, but also contribute his concentration on his inner world. Not without reason exists an old sign that pregnant women were forbidden to cut hair. If the hair is really an antenna, providing our body with cosmic energy, which means future Mom needs to maintain a large supply of vitality. And they taken not only from food, but also from space. Another folk tradition – children under one year old do not cut their hair (or even up to three, and even up to seven years old). Today it is suggested that tender infant hair perform quite serious thin-energy functions. First years of life, they effectively nourish the child with cosmic energy, and they also create a strong protective field around the baby. Scientists do not advise throwing away the first cut hair. They can come in handy, for example, with local lesions they are advised apply to a sore spot. Assure it helps resist even cancer. According to statistical data, bald people on average live less than those who have magnificent hairstyle (it is possible that this is due to the fact that they get less life energy from space). And even that of different characters different hair is characteristic. The same goes for thickness, length hair and their colors. However, hair is not just antennas. They are also powerful energy keepers. Currently, scientists can get a lot of information from the hair about its owner. So, for example, whether a person deals with drugs, uses them himself or only sells, and even when it happened. In chemical the hair composition can also be set much: hereditary features, some habits and even favorite dishes. Recently it turned out that the hair is individual, like our fingerprints. According to the hair left at the crime scene, scientists today in able to calculate identity with almost 100% guarantee criminal or victim of the incident. The only problem is small data bank, because hair analysis is more expensive than imprint finger. Hair has its own memory. They accumulate and negative information emitted by the body during an illness. Therefore after severe illness or stress, be sure to visit the hairdresser. FROM with the cut ends of the hair, the person becomes more active and faster copes with ailments. A lot of hair is associated with different peoples accept and believe. For example, in Russia it was believed that if cropped when baptized, the child’s hair rolled up in wax will drown in water, then the child is destined to soon die; if not, he will live long. And in England for the same purpose threw their hair into the fire and watched them will burn. Flare up brightly – their master will live long; will be smolder – let him prepare for death. To grow hair faster and denser they need to be cut with the “growing” moon. Just at this time, the body faster fed by healing energy. To the hair (like trimmed, and dropped out when combing) should be treated very seriously. Do not throw them anywhere. Because hair will absorb and send to their owner the information that they will receive. Can you imagine what you can get your hair in the garbage dump. A man can causelessly get sick, become irritable, or will suffer from headaches pain, etc. etc. Invisible connection between a person and remote from hair will remain until the hair is completely “discharge”. So it’s best to throw it into the water. Water absorbs almost any “charge”. Nails should not be throw it away, it’s better to deal with them as well as with hair – throw in water. Important Advice for Young Mothers: When for the first time to cut your baby, be sure to keep his locks hair. Dry them well, first wrap in blank paper, Then in aluminum foil and put in storage in paper an envelope (but not in polyethylene!). The ends of the strands are especially valuable: they carry the most “clean” information – primary, not yet distorted the genetic program with which a person was born. On the write in detail to the envelope when the hair is cut, to whom belonged, the date of birth of the baby and so on. And let that hair stored by your child his whole life. Science does not stand still and soon we will learn not only to “read” the necessary hair genetic information, but also restore health with its help their master.
Water Life Time