Hanged chupacabra found in Taganrog

In Taganrog they found a hanged chupacabraPhotos from open sources of

An amazing find turned out for several residents Taganrog is a recent vacation trip. Young people decided to hold last Sunday away from the city and set off in the morning on nature in the Neklinovsky district. Travelers made a halt near forest belts between the villages of Nosovo and Ivanovka. Sitting on clearing, Taganrozhites went into a forest belt for firewood. There it was revealed to them unpleasant and even frightening sight.

On one of the coniferous trees was a mummy of incomprehensible animal of small size. A withered corpse was hung on a branch a loop of thick wire into which the head was slung unknown creature. Apparently, this creature was strangled by someone. here. However, what is this creature and who killed it?

Stories of cats and dogs hung by young people immediately come to mind. Satanists, however, this beast does not look like a cat or a dog. He has a dry, fangless muzzle, very long paws and fingers, and also an overly oblong neck.

Moving away from the shock due to what they saw, the authors of the find became to figure out what to do with her. They were afraid to touch the corpse, and why take risks when there is no guarantee that the mummy experts are interested in? Therefore, vacationers took a couple of shots mysterious dead animal and quickly retired.

A photo from open sources

Young people thought they had discovered a chupacabra cub – legendary cryptid attacking livestock in many parts of the world. I wonder who got the hang of catching and hanging a little chupacabra, if that, of course, is she?

Residents of Nosovo, Ivanovka and other surrounding villages report that no one is attacking their cattle. At least in the last years. Although in the 2000s there were several cases bleeding goats and sheep. It is noteworthy that the word “chupacabra” translated from Spanish exactly as “goat vampire”. About it Cryptids first spoke in the 1950s in Puerto Rico, where some mysterious and elusive monster sucked blood from goats. However, as in the case of yeti, to catch or kill, even decently I’m still not able to shoot a mystical creature on video, although the “sensation” about this no no no yes appear on the Internet, but each time such “finds” turn out to be dummies. Interesting as well Does the current one near Taganrog shed even a ray of light on this secret? Not at all …

Cryptids Mummies Dogs

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