A photo from open sources It became known why some nations consider themselves happy, and some do not. According to psychologists, the reason lies in the serotonin gene: the longer its shape, the the person is more cheerful, and the shorter it is, the more likely is the manifestation clinical depression, manifestations of despondency, gloom and grouchy. Due to the size of this gene, Americans, Britons and French do not feel happy while the Danes are constantly top ratings of the happiest people. They turned out to be owners of the longest “gene of happiness”, while the French – the shortest. Americans and British are close to the French in this regard .. “The British are born to be miserable. But it could be worse: if we had genes, like in French, “- writes the British newspaper The Independent. By the way, except for the Danes, according to scientists, the “happy” form of the gene residents of Norway. Study authors Andrew Oswald and Eugenio Proto studied the welfare of Americans and found that when in the same living conditions, the happiness index is higher for those residents of the United States, whose ancestors moved from Denmark or Norway. Professor Oswald claims that in many countries people are constantly unhappy with life, even if they don’t need money, bask in the sun every day and live to a very old age.
Life time