Photos from open sources Why does the United States National Security Agency, like UK Government Communications Center needed to break software Cybersecurity Lab Kaspersky’s? The answer suggests itself – between the West and Russia began a cyber war.
In fact, the special services of the two great powers decided to find vulnerabilities in Kaspersky software, which would allow them to get free access to confidential information of many Russian customers and companies. To this end, an attempt was made prevent cybersecurity software from using ORPO technology – the so-called reverse processing software providing.
It should be noted that for the NSA and DSP the antivirus program Kaspersky has long been standing in the throat with a bone, completely interfering to rule in the Russian segment of the Internet, that is, to exercise surveillance of both individual users of the World Wide Web and companies and government departments. Essentially the opposite designing is the same hacker attack on Kaspersky software, only veiled, covered by certain legal norms international law, dictated by Uncle Sam.
As emphasized by the leadership of Kaspersky Lab, such activities of the western intelligence services, to put it mildly, cause serious concern, as it turns out that for them more important fight not against real cyberspace hackers, but, on the contrary, against cybersecurity, and not Russian space.