A photo from open sources Scientists from Duke University (Durham, USA) managed to find out that mice can sing in a range not audible to person.
After studying the mouse “songs”, biologists were convinced that the “repertoire” of these animals are very rich: they can make all kinds of sounds. For example, a male, sensing the presence of a female, but not seeing her, displays complex and loud roulades. If the female is nearby, he sings calmer and more artlessly. Experts explain this the difference is that in the second case the male saves energy, necessary for mating. The mice also call their parents with using similar sounds.
Jonathan Shabu, the author of the study, says that few people even among scientists, they know that mice sing. Of course singing it’s much easier to study birds, because you can hear it. The mice are publishing ultrasounds beyond our perception. Curious, that mice cannot, like birds, learn new melodies. Them “songs” are an inborn art.
Today, scientists are thinking about whether it is possible to somehow record the mouse “singing” and then shift to the sounds that are accessible to human ear. There is also the suggestion that some people may hear these sounds. It is possible that among them are musicians who are able to use mouse singing to to create completely “human” musical works.