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Sometimes even the very thought that it’s possible treatment of serious illnesses with some hand movements. Often, besides own disbelief, people just don’t want to make their efforts and learn something new. In addition, there was an opinion that the gift healing can only be obtained from grandparents that completely wrong. There was a stereotype that the man himself can do nothing in the case of serious illnesses and is necessary contact some specialists. Doctors themselves persistently program people have such settings. Similar ‘’ specialists ’’ and themselves cannot cure, and argue that others also can not do it. In that case I want to say: doctor, first heal yourself and only then treat others. Absolutely every person has a field of hands, which means – can heal. You only need to know how to do it right. Although the energy possibilities of people differ, but the very presence everyone has the opportunity to heal energetically. Difference opportunities for different healers is associated with the purity of their Soul, level perceived / radiated frequencies and the state of the Spirit. The the energetic method of treatment is still more suitable, rather, for limited treatment than for mass healing. Within your family is the best alternative to traditional medicine. All this is due to the fact that, working energetically, the practitioner himself becomes polluted and, in fact, patients partially throw their Problems. With practice and building up your energy opportunities it is already possible to practice such treatment more massively. Hand treatment itself is a direct contact of energy a healer with a negative patient, which partially penetrates into practitioner. Headache, feeling sick – all this sometimes becomes a consequence of such treatment. Define the inner contamination of the patient is possible even by physical signs. Same pain and vasospasm in the head is a sure sign of negative in it, or contaminated channels and chakras. Essentially here There are only two solutions. The first is to find a healer who will be able to solve this problem (but sometimes it’s the same as winning in lottery), and the second is the solution to the problem yourself. Here immediately but there are some difficulties. There is only a small part professionals who really work at the energy level. TO Unfortunately, sometimes their capabilities leave much to be desired. Possessing different theories on energy, they can not always render necessary healing effect. To this group of healers literally few belong. They cannot take a lot at once. patients, because they themselves are polluted and protect their health. IN Bottom line: those few who have the ability cannot help a huge the mass of sick people. Despite the diversity of energy practitioners, they often do not give a good result. It all happens because there is no single understanding of the energy essence of man and properties of different energies. As long as there are a lot of theories, they will always be just confuse. Without such a true understanding of energy the treatment will be reminiscent of a blind search. Severe Treatment Result disease will be weak. When is there a clear understanding of energy and energies, then even a beginner in energy healing sometimes heals better than another healer. Hand treatment itself becomes uncomplicated, when the different properties of energies are well understood. Since the negative – it is always a very compressed energy, then when it is captured by the field hands it loosens and therefore becomes less dense. IN In this case, it is much easier to get out of energy. Consequently, tearing apart such charges with his hands, the practicing healer helps that they then gradually come out completely. Figuratively imagine that in the patient’s energy there is a certain amount negativity, where a part of the healer is scooped out with the palm of the healer. Only here the most real energy impact occurs and cleansing. The dense charge of the negative weakens and leaves, which in the end leads to health. Here a question may arise about the time of one hands treatment session. It’s better to limit yourself to 30 minutes, and in the beginning of energy treatment with hands even 15-20 minutes, for which There are reasons. The fact is that starting to pull out with your hands negativity from energy, you can get dirty and the healer himself. Here some caution does not hurt at all. Healing another is important Do not block the movement of energies in your energy industry. Negativity itself will not go away without direct contact of the healer’s hands. Especially reluctantly dense negative energy compressed in the channels is cleared. Energy meridians are similar to an isolated electric wire, where a dense negative is extremely slowly derived from them. This situation creates some difficulty in their purification. Only cleansing from the inside through exit points and chakras, perhaps most successfully clear the channels of negativity. Sometimes it is so much that cleansing from it drags on. Only the right energy effect speeds up getting rid of it. Sometimes, to get to the negative, which caused a physical violation, some patience. Of the most effective methods of influencing negative energy, it is possible to isolate the treatment with hands and dissolving it with high energies. The principle of purification is pretty simple: the higher the frequency of internal energies, the faster it goes getting rid of the negative. Even self generating higher frequencies (laughter, joy, gratitude, etc.) is quite possible heal oneself. The highest and strongest energy is Love. If a person develops acute illness experiences, it only worsens his situation. With negative thinking (the birth of dense negative energies) occurs only additional energy pollution. Very often the cause of many health difficulties are the patients themselves. With their long and strong negative states internal generation occurs dense negative energies. This situation is manifested for everyone differently. In some, the negative goes outside and splashes out onto strangers. Others experience everything internally and externally it doesn’t not shown. Moreover, splashing out his negative on others perhaps it will be healthier than the one who keeps everything in himself. In that In this case, the negative inside accumulates even faster and this explains them numerous diseases. Here, only the fact of internal the birth of negative energy and its presence in the energy sector person. Everything else is irrelevant. With internal high energy human no energy pollution ever would not have happened. For gradual energy cleansing from negative energy, stuck in the energy sector, it is quite possible use even ordinary salt. The bottom line is crystals have the ability to absorb energy. Salt is those the same crystals and it is able to absorb a lot of negativity. Since negative energy protrudes somewhat from the body of a patient, then external purification takes place. Main the internal charge is thus gradually weakened and in some cases comes out completely. For this it is advisable to use coarse salt placed in matter crosslinked in the form of a small mattress and pillows. In this case, the protruding negative will be soak in salt throughout the night. Unfortunately internal heavy negative energies quite reluctantly protrude from human energy in view of its high density. At the same time and salt tends to slightly tighten the negative. Such an approach purifications cannot be compared with energy treatment hands, but he still has its positive points. Should note that you should not eat such salt in food. Used this way once a month should be burned on fire with alcohol to clear accumulated negativity. The neutralization of negative energy is necessary because the absorption properties of salt are lost over time. goal there is essentially only one energy cure – in different ways weaken and ultimately completely remove all the negative. the main task a healer is the cleansing of a person’s internal debris and how consequence, the normalization of its energy. It should be noted that the negative is weakened reluctantly and to dissolve it is necessary long and constant exposure to high vibrations, i.e. you need a lot of dissolving energy. The disease itself will only go away after weakening and dissolving the negative that caused such physical disturbances. In energy treatment, it should be noted that everything is closely interconnected. All changes at the energy level immediately produce improvements in physiological processes. A positive result in case of illness is especially quickly noticeable. heart, where relief immediately appears. In energy treatment There are also cases where the result should not be expected. Though the body has unique recovery capabilities, but there are the so-called irreversible cases. Some people are wrong healing is considered to be a special gift from only a few. In that sometimes the healers themselves are to blame, who convince the sick of their chosenness. Pride sometimes does not bypass healers. Although there are those who really receive a gift from above, but mainly only about certain knowledge and methods. All people are perfect are equivalent to each other; and what is possible for one is also available to another.
Health Time