A photo from open sources
According to spaceweather.com, sunspots in the east limbe of the sun explode powerful x-ray solar flares class.
Spot number AR1748 made itself known in the early hours of May 13 X1.7-class eruption, and then a flash of level quickly followed X2.8 years and even more – X3.2, but already on May 14th. These are the strongest outbreaks this year and they signal a significant increase solar activity. Forecasters NOAA assess the likelihood of new X-flashes over the next 24 hours at 40%.
All these outbreaks produced strong extreme ultraviolet radiation. Here is the last X3.2 solar flare eruption Richter, obtained by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:
The explosions also emitted coronal mass (CME) into space. Coronographs aboard the solar and heliospheric observatory track these plasma clouds.
The animation shows the planet Mercury. Although it seems that emissions coronal masses hit Mercury, in fact, this is not going on. There were no planets at that moment on the “line of fire.” However, coronal mass clouds are likely to hit NASA Spitzer Spacecraft May 15-16.
A photo from open sources
When the events on the Sun began on May 13, the blame for them ( number “AR1748”) was hidden behind the eastern limb of the Sun, but now the rotation of the sun makes the active region visible. Solar and the heliospheric observatory captured the first frames only a few hours ago:
A photo from open sources
Powerful flashes on the Sun, similar to which have not been since autumn last year, recorded twice in the last day. However weather-dependent people should not be afraid of magnetic storms. “Position flash source is not geoeffective, charged particles ejected at the time of the outbreak, they will not fly towards the Earth, which means that the magnetic the storm is extremely unlikely, “RIA Novosti quoted the director as saying Space Weather Forecasting Center, Institute of Earthly Magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN) by Sergey Gaidash. The first class outbreak was recorded on May 13 at 06:17 Moscow time, about this is evidenced by the data of the space weather forecast center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration United States (NOAA). The second happened at 20:16 Moscow time in the active region, located on the eastern edge of the sun. Both outliers relate to class X – the most powerful in the classification of NOAA. According to Gaidash, this pair of flares became the strongest surge in solar activity since October 23, 2012. Sun flashes coincided with abnormal the heat that came to the metropolitan area ahead of schedule. In the last days the average daily temperature in Moscow exceeds the norm by eight – nine degrees. This situation will last the whole first half weeks: in some places the temperature will reach + 31 ° C, report “News.” Closer to Thursday showers and thunderstorms will begin, and the temperature will decrease to +23 … + 28 ° С. By the weekend, rainfall will stop, and the heat will intensify again. According to a leading specialist at the Weather Center “Phobos” by Vadim Zavodchenkov, a cardinal change in the weather wait only on Sunday: an active thunderstorm front will come, which will bring cool air from the north. Temperature will drop up to +21 … + 26 ° С. And already in the coming week, thermometer bars will return to the framework of the climatic norm.
NASA Mercury Sun