Photo from open sources
Many people have not even heard of reincarnation, but those who knows what it is, divided into those who believe in it and unbelievers. But even those who believe in rebirth of the soul rarely benefit from this practical benefit. But that wasn’t the pioneer of the automotive industry, creator of the world famous brand Henry Ford, who knew that in a past life, being a soldier, died during the Civil War in the USA, at the Battle of Gettysburg. He knew, and this knowledge helped him in of life.
In 1928, namely August 26, Henry, by then well-known industrialist, owner of automobile factories for all over the world, was interviewed by the reputable magazine San Francisco Examiner “, which said that only faith in reincarnation allowed him to become what he became – a successful businessman world-wide.
Under 26, Henry Ford admitted, he, like all law-abiding Americans, attended church, listened to Catholic sermons priests, but religion did not answer many questions that tormented ambitious young American, and the work he did was did not bring satisfaction.
Any business within the framework of one life does not make sense, Henry clarifies. But when he discovered reincarnation and realized, the main thing is that a person can accumulate and carry with him to the following rebirth, the world around him played with all the colors of the rainbow. A life acquired a deep meaning – and all this allowed him to quick and easy to achieve tremendous success, and, in everything, in including in love.
The main thing to understand, emphasized the great the automaker that you are not limited by time that’s all you you do, you will come in handy in many of your incarnations. And this one faith and inspiration allow us to create in this life real miracles, not empty dreams, faith in a mythical paradise on heaven and especially groundless fears no less fabulous hell.
Reincarnation, according to Henry Ford, calms the mind and gives a correct vision of life, goals in it, allows you to look at the world not through pink glasses and not through a curved mirror, but clearly and right. Therefore, he advised everyone to review their attitude to the rebirth of the soul, try to remember your past life experiences, as he himself did it in 26 years, and only then boldly and confidently walk through life, accumulating what can be carried away with when the next hour of change breaks.
Time Life Reincarnation