Hitler’s children and grandchildren among us?

Are the children and grandchildren of Hitler among us?A photo from open sources

The Second World War, the worst in the history of mankind, is over. Persons who unleashed her were convicted at Nuremberg process. Almost all the leaders of the Third Reich or were childless, or their families died with them, like Goebbels family. And the successors of those who retained the genes of people who flooded blood all over Europe, not left. But it turns out that this is not so. Hitler committing suicide with his wife Eva Brown, not left half-blood heirs. But despite this, the global The press has been debating for over half a century: “Do Adolf have Hitler’s descendants? “In December 1935, on the orders of Himmler on the territory of Germany was created a network of special maternity centers. They should have been born “blond beast” – children, born from SS troops and carefully racially matched german women. It is them the plan of the Reichsführer SS, was to belong to the future. All children, those born in maternity centers were officially considered “adopted” Hitler. “Deputy Fuhrer for the party,” Nazi number 2 “, Rudolf Hess decided to go beyond his main competitor, who fought for proximity to Hitler, and in 1940 at a secret meeting in the Reich Chancellery made a statement that surprised everyone: “Hitler must have your own children. Only those in whose veins flows the Führer’s sacred blood has the right to inherit his supreme power in Germany. “Hitler was disgusted with physical sex and at first he listened sluggishly to this venture. But he envied Stalin, who had sons who could change father at the helm the state, therefore, in the end, agreed. Thus, the carefully classified Thor project was born. Was planned fertilize Hitler’s sperm with about a hundred specially selected “Aryan” women aged 18 to 27 years. Future mothers of children the Führer did not know about that great mission that he had prepared for them. They believed that they would bear the descendants of the SS soldiers – “ideal Aryans. “When the baby was born, he was transported in secret complex in the Bavarian Alps, near the Austrian border. ABOUT the nursery for Hitler’s children in the Alps learned from the former SS Obersturmfuhrer Erich Runge, who made sensational statement that many countries live and work dozens of sons and daughters of the Fuhrer. And none of them even guesses its origin. Photo from open sources The press reacted to the words Obersturmfuhrer is skeptical. But they “changed their minds when completely healthy, according to doctors, Runge unexpectedly died from heart attack. Time has passed, and even more extensive information about children Fuhrer unveiled by Dr. Alessandro Jovenese, residing in Brazil. From 1943 to 1945 he was a medical officer SS and was directly involved in carefully classified project. From conversations among the laboratory staff Alessandro Jovenese knew that before the end of the war the complex was about twenty children whose biological father was Adolf Hitler. b May 1945, an evacuation order was received. All documents were destroyed, and the children handed out to the families of compassionate peasants who said it was orphaned babies from a maternity hospital destroyed Allied Aviation. Infants born as a result of fertilization Hitler’s biological material for women of the Aryan race. True, one exception was nevertheless made. Among the mothers of Hitler’s children there were two norwegians. The Führer of the Third Reich wanted his blood “mixed with the blood of the Vikings.” So, the children and grandchildren of Hitler walk on Europe. “But they do not pose any threat to humanity, – I am sure of Jovenese, – If they still have not manifested bloodthirstiness and thirst for ambition, it will not manifest itself in the future. Blood and genes play big! role in determining who will become man, but an even greater role is played by the standard of living and education … Second Hitler will never appear in Europe. “Yegor USACHEV

War Germany Life

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