HIV – a hoax or pseudoscientific terrorism

More than 6,000 medical scientists believe that the AIDS virus is not exist. Dozens of human immunodeficiency syndromes cause disease, poverty, malnutrition, radiation, microwave radiation, consumption drugs, but not a virus. There are no specialists in the world at all, who have seen the AIDS virus. HIV - the mystification of the century or pseudoscientific terrorismPhoto from open sources Just because … it does not exist. AIDS disease is thus the result of various factors non-infectious nature. This is a monstrous medical hoax! C1984, when the US government announced the existence of immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causing the disease “syndrome acquired Immunodeficiency Deficiency (AIDS) scores have been spent billions of dollars to detect the virus and create a vaccine and anti-AIDS drugs. The media is constantly hysteria about “the catastrophic spread of the AIDS epidemic.” However, despite the efforts of scientists and huge funds, a mysterious virus still not found. All scientists and doctors acknowledge that people die not from the virus, but from immunodeficiency and concomitant infection. The question arises: does this virus exist? However all speeches of biologists and doctors on this subject are hushed up or perverted.


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