Hollow earth

In his science fiction novel Plutonium, dedicated to also Arctic, Russian geologist and geographer Academician Vladimir Afanasevich Obruchev looked … deep into the Earth. And I saw that our the planet is hollow inside! Incredible hypothesis, isn’t it? HollowPhotos from open sources Shots from the satellite “essa-7” Spots in the sun About what is it in the novel? At the beginning of 1914, a geophysicist and astronomer Nikolay Innokentievich Trukhanov, who has not stood up for several years chairs because of his illness, hypothesizes that The earth inside is hollow. In its bowels there is its own animal and plant world, illuminated by its own luminary. To prove this hypothesis, Trukhanov organizes a polar expedition to “land” Nansen “, where, according to his calculations, the entrance to underworld. The expedition includes a geologist, zoologist, meteorologists, nerd and gold digger-adventurer. Before as hit the road, travelers get from Trukhanov a sealed envelope … So, the expedition overcomes the mountain range and begins the descent. Its participants are at the bottom of the cavity and again start the climb. But judging by the readings of the hypsothermometer, the members expeditions do not rise, but descend to unprecedented hitherto depth. The sun above them is at its zenith and for some reason is covered in dark stained. Then scientists open the envelope given to them by Trukhanov, and learn that the purpose of their expedition is proof that the Earth inside is hollow and inside it has its own life. In the novel “Plutonium” amid fascinating adventures is given a very detailed Description of ancient animals encountered by travelers and rocks that they meet in the depths of the planet. Is becoming I wonder why the famous geologist, academician, director of the institute and The head of numerous expeditions V.A. Obruchev wrote this science fiction novel. Where water flows for several years ago I happened to read an article by Academician Evgeny Vorobyov, where he wrote that in 1947 the Rear Admiral of the United States Navy Richard Bird during a research flight over the North Pole noticed a strange spot from the air on ice. And then it seemed to him what he sees a mirage: instead of a white icy desert under an airplane forests, rivers, meadows, on which animals similar to them, stretched on mammoths. When, after many years, Richard Bird’s diaries were published, of course, they did not believe them. And this is not surprising. After all according to modern geological concepts, under the earth’s crust there is a red-hot mantle. True, there were scientists who doubted the generally accepted truths concerning the structure of the Earth. One of these, the English astronomer Edmund Halley, in 1692 suggested that the earth’s surface is a shell about a thickness 1000 kilometers. And inside is a core the size of Mercury, which heats the inner part of the planet, where there is its own a life. And here is another very interesting statement by an astronomer. He attributed the effect of auroras to the fact that the “underground” atmosphere, breaking out into the “aboveground”, begins to glow. Halley’s contemporary, the great Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler, academician of Petersburg Academy of Sciences, put forward a similar theory. Our planet earth is hollow, and inside it is another sun that shines above inhabited continents. There were scientists who not only put forward hollow planet theory, but also tried to organize expeditions to infiltrate the underworld. In 1818, John Cleves Simms Jr. proposed to congressmen and prominent US scientists his hypothesis: “Earth hollow, contains several hard spheres, concentric, lying one in the other, and has holes at the poles … In it we will find warm and rich lands abundant in minerals and animals, and maybe by people as soon as we pass 82 degrees north latitude. “The hypothesis of” holes at the poles where water flows ” some scientists gave a positive assessment. Strange photographs In the USSR, Obruchev’s hypothesis about the underworld produced an impression not only on fans of science fiction, but also to the leadership of the country. According to researcher V. Kreslavsky, activity of Soviet Antarctic research in the 1930s-1940s explained by nothing more than the desire of the authorities to verify the “crazy” hypothesis of the scientist. Not only the Soviet government attempted to penetrate a hole at the pole in underground plutonium. Famous politician and researcher Antarctic Miguel Serrano in an article reprinted in 2006 year, expressed strong confidence in the existence of the underworld: “… it’s important to clarify the arguments and theories that suggest a hollow Earth, I see them only by repetition or the revival of an ancient idea, as they are expressed in many myths and legends that are essential to humanity … ” The attitude to the reality of the existence of Pluto changed at the end of the XX centuries after the appearance of polar territories. On them, scientists saw a very strange display Northern and Southern Lights. For a long time the cause of the aurora considered the glow of rarefied layers of air under the influence of protons and electrons penetrating the atmosphere from space. True, Nansen and other early Arctic explorers wrote in their memories of the polar countries, of the fiery flashes of radiance, rising from the horizon and going up to the zenith. On this serious scientists did not pay attention to information until 1968, the American meteorological satellite ESSA-7 did not transmit strange pictures of the North Pole to Earth. In complete absence clouds, which in such pictures is extremely rare, in the vicinity of the pole a huge hole is visible – a hole. This photograph is genuine – Examinations were carried out repeatedly. Strange Space Images were obtained on Antarctica. Images captured using artificial satellites of NASA, clearly demonstrate that the polar auroras come from within the earth and form a kind of ring around holes near the South Pole. American supporter of the idea of ​​a hollow Earth Jones McNibble calls three key signs proving the reality of the existence of the underworld. Firstly, in the pictures Antarctica clearly shows that on one side of the spot, interpreted as an entrance to a hollow Earth, fog creeps in from below. Where could he come from if there was no hole in the underground world? Secondly, it is from a section of the ice continent, where there is a spot, the entrance to the underworld comes close to the ocean, and there is the formation of numerous icebergs. It’s related, according to Johns McNibble, with the phenomenon of “outflow of ice from the dark round section, the location of which can be determined as 84.4 degrees south latitude and 39 degrees east longitude. “Third, if you look closely at the direction of air flow, it becomes noticeably their movement to the area closer to the Queen’s Land Maud and generally to the African side of Antarctica. Winds arise due to a change in lighter warm air coming from Underworld, more severe cold. Jones McNibble even concluded that other planets of the solar system are hollow formations. As an example, he cites the available in Internet infrared image of Venus, which shows that atmospheric gas temperature drops sharply as it approaches to the North Pole. And then suddenly in the very center, unexpectedly a “spot of heat” is detected – this is the point of geographical the poles.

Antarctica Arctic Water Time Life Aurora Sun USA

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