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According to the Guinness Book of Records, this beast is the most the fiercest of all living on land. So, get acquainted: honey badger, or honey badger, he is also a bald badger, an Indian honey badger and a warrior. It lives in the desert landscapes of Africa and Asia. African honey badger often settle in hollows of trees, Asian dig for themselves burrows.
The animal got its name for its gastronomic addiction. To taste a favorite “dish”, a honey badger attacks bee nests and destroys them.
A photo from open sources
This beast has a rather unusual color: its body is visually divided into dark lower and light upper parts. His the two-tone skin honey-bearer “wears” rather freely, since under it there is a layer of subcutaneous fat. And therefore, if it is an animal attack from behind, it can easily turn out to attack itself the enemy.
What a honey badger eats
It would be more correct to call this beast from the family of marten omnivorous. Judge for yourself, in his “menu” there are lizards and frogs, birds and small mammals, fish and poisonous snakes, in particular cobras, insects and arachnids such as scorpions. Known even cases when the object of the attack of the honey badger became home sheep (for which people declared a merciless war on a predatory aggressor). The honey badger does not disdain and gathering: eats berries, roots, fruits, plant buds and bird eggs, acting on the principle: everything is useful, that got into my mouth.
A photo from open sources
If we talk about the honey treat’s favorite treat, then get it, this gluttonous sweet-tooth “enters into cooperation” with a honey-pointing bird, or a medical scientist. Having discovered a nest of wild bees, she “directs” a honey badger on him – and she begins robbery: reaching the nest, the beast rips it with powerful claws and eats honey, the bird remains a honeycomb in which it attracts larvae and, as strange, wax.
Snakes are the honey’s second favorite dish that is ready to hunt for them for the rest of their lives. The only unprotected place The animal is its muzzle. However, even if the bite falls there, the poison will only cause a swelling, and for a couple of hours it will knock the predator off its feet.
The honey badger also successfully hunts turtles, for them their hindrance strong shells.
Honey badger lifestyle
Honey badgers are nocturnal animals that sleep in burrows or hollows during the day, and in the evening go hunting. In the spring, during the mating season, they show also daily activity.
A photo from open sources
The holes of the honey badger are like badgers. Their depth is from 1 to 3 meters.
The ferocity and fearlessness of these animals is truly unlimited. A honey badger is able to attack an antelope, porcupine, even a buffalo. There are cases when he converged in a battle with a leopard and a lion (and then a few lions, see the video below).
The honey badger, of course, fails to win such battles, but he never backs down and sells his life dearly. Knowing the courage honey badger, Kenyan hunters ate the hearts of predators, believing that this will make them equally brave and resilient.
These animals are especially aggressive and dangerous during mating. period. Fighting honey badger bites into his enemy and hangs on dumb like a bulldog.
A photo from open sources
At the same time, the walk of the honey badger seems sneaky, so he pressed to the ground and bends back. However, in the case of if necessary, the beast can gallop at considerable distance.
Honey badgers – single animals: individuals of the opposite sex found only for mating. A female is born one or two cubs who have been living with their mother for a long time.
In the north of our country live “relatives” of honey badger who strikingly similar to them in their appearance, body structure, fearlessness, characteristic aggressive behavior and omnivorousness. it – Wolverines.
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