Photos from open Sources For a long time, alcohol was considered a medicine. Our ancestors tried to make the most of all the useful qualities of natural components and in wine therapy were much understood better than us. By the way, wine treatment today causes skepticism in most people.
Grape wines
You should know that in ancient times even the simplest wines made according to a completely different recipe than today. Now it seems strange, however, besides sugar and grapes, in ancient wine various herbs and spices were present. Legends say that noble and wealthy women, seeking the favor of a man, they wetted their hair with wine and even took wine baths, which made them irresistible and desirable.
A photo from open sources
If we talk about the vitamin composition of wine, then it abounds potassium, zinc and many other trace elements and minerals, which, due to the liquid form of the product, are completely absorbed the body. In addition, wine is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants, recall, protect the cell membrane from negative external influences, saturate with oxygen and contribute to it regeneration.
Our ancestors used grape wine to make hot drinks that were great for colds, viral diseases, headaches and so on. In hot wine added spices and herbs, after which the drink became even more healing and could raise to his feet even a seriously ill person.
Nowadays, such a healing wine drink is, in particular, mulled wine. Unfortunately, it is more often used for intoxication, and not for treatment. Alas, modern man is far from the culture of wine drinking, which was inherent in our ancestors. Yes, and find a wine like the ancients enjoyed, today it is very difficult.
Tinctures and other intoxicating drinks
In ancient Europe, including Russia, the vineyards were very few, so the population learned how to make fruit spirits drinks (liqueurs) using fruit fermentation. Bulk like grape wine, have healing properties, because for Their production uses natural living raw materials.
A photo from open sources
Beer was in special demand among our ancestors. Already there were several varieties of this hoppy foam a drink. They washed and washed their hair – so that they were strong and thick. Beer normalized pressure and raised mood. Today this drink is produced according to simplified recipe and, in addition, with the addition of flavorings and preservatives. Find natural live beer in our time is pretty difficult, especially in a large city.
The mead was highly appreciated in antiquity: it delivered to the human body all useful components and trace elements, contained in honey, moreover “along the shortest path.”
Modern scholars are increasingly turning to old recipes, in particular wine recipes based on the use of natural medicines. It’s clear that this is undermining the authority of the giants of pharmacology and they do their best not to to admit natural treatment to the masses, including wine therapy. That’s why in the world cries about harm are louder and hysterical alcohol. At the same time, nothing is being done to enlighten and educating people in this matter, as well as for restructuring itself wine industry, so that it does not produce intoxicated poison, but intoxicating medicine.
Russia time