The mistress of 2013 is the Snake. Yes, not just a Snake, like predicts the horoscope for 2013 on the signs of the zodiac, – and Black and Watery. However, as the eastern calendar begins its countdown only from February 10, then to his duties as the Serpent, as predicts the horoscope 2013, starts only from this date. Photos from open sources Ongoing processes in this new 2013 will be characterized by extremely high dynamics and along with this, they will be inherent in mystery and variability. Water which is the element of this year, have always been credited with mystical mysterious opportunities that promote both exaltation man, and vice versa, his overthrow, and from black water depths you can expect anything you want. In global sense, humanity should expect a lot from 2013 surprises that cannot be predicted in advance. The events and problems of the distant past and mistakes that were made then will unexpectedly develop in present. Therefore, if you set any goals in the new 2013 year, then try to plan and arrange everything on the shelves in advance, so that the path to their achievement is not confusing, but as simple as possible. Alas, as the horoscope predicts for 2013 by signs of the zodiac, the main feature of 2013 will be instability, which will affect absolutely all spheres of human life: economics, politics and finance. She will not pass by and souls of people, so truly global cataclysms. But although this year will seem to some zodiac signs quite difficult and unsuccessful, all the processes that will be in it occur, very plastic, and, if desired, they can be just turn to global good. This applies not only of every single person, but of the whole society. Is coming the time in which change will rule. It will become clear already from the very beginning of the year. It is in this year that people will be waiting tests and they will have to constantly do sometimes not so explicit and an obvious, but nonetheless fateful choice. Big role in this new 2013 will belong to bright and extraordinary creative individuals, including in science. Same as the snake periodically changes his skin, and the problems that are in this period excite humanity, will change several times until complete unrecognizable. But it is the experience, mind, courage and flexibility of the Snake, how predicts the 2013 horoscope of the zodiacs, help to cope with them, you only need to be able to use them. Spring will be celebrated activization of society, which may entail a change political leaders. This will happen in absolutely everyone countries, leaders will be chosen not by beautiful speeches, but by what they specifically managed to do. Until June 2013, Jupiter will be be in the sign of Gemini, which will lead to global changes in what is commonly called the ruling circles. Leading roles will be taken by those leaders who will be ready to pursue a flexible policy based in dialogue with social forces, relying not on their own political ambitions, and cooperation with the workforce. In the second half of 2013, after the transition of Jupiter to the sign of Cancer, the leading role will belong to family values, development culture and creativity. Society will demand from the government constructive support in solving precisely these problems and those leaders who will be ready to take up their decision will undoubtedly feel the support of this year’s mistress – the Black Water Snake, as predicts the horoscope for 2013, although it may not be be aware. As for the end of the year, it will be quite controversial, and differences will prevail here. Only the mobilization of a significant amount of will and the desire for continuous self-improvement will help humanity as a whole and each person individually, to overcome the problems that will be not so much external as connected with internal complexes. Horoscope for 2013 on the zodiac signs New 2013 Year of the Snake – the year of thinkers and philosophers, diplomats, inventors and travelers. He has to build, strengthen the rear, establishing ties and relationships, resolving issues peacefully, self-improvement and the manifestation of serpentine wisdom in all areas life activity. Horoscope for 2013 for Aries First day January promises Aries an extraordinary event, meeting, beginning relationships or the emergence of an idea that will affect the whole the coming year. With someone you can “shake hands” – and stake out a new topic. But already in the first week of January will appear Opponents and bosses will give you priority tasks. Many Aries at the very beginning of 2013 will be radically tuned for something change – work, environment and ourselves. Plans will get a new round in January. In February, there will be many secrets and intrigues in your life. Not the best time for a pragmatic choice, but an emotional life will reveal the hidden depths of your nature. Many actions will be painted with compassion. In the area around March 4, make plans and watch what people and ideas attract you and what they call you to. On this basis, events will develop in April and May. Second half March – early April – a turning point for Aries in 2013. This is a common horoscope, but it indicates a time of destabilizing energy. Almost inevitably something will collapse, and great powers get one who knows where to move. New moon on april 10 for Aries is the most important of the year. You will get great benefits in competitive situation. In May, continue to research new territories and opportunities. The topic of income and expenses will be the main one. May 25-30 contacts with like-minded people will enrich you with new ones ideas. Perhaps a new partnership, business or personal. June is good for both work and leisure. Schedule for this month. it is advisable to compact in order to be in time as much as possible. Are possible big changes in the house. It’s good to coincide with this month family activities. In July, past mistakes and deficiencies will force immerse yourself in restoring order. The subject of repairs in the house may arise regardless of your desire. In August, you still you will strengthen the foundations, but in your life there will be more pleasant diversity and entertainment. In September, you will experience affirm that you need to make love and other relationships. Timely tokens, generosity and hospitality help you reach the right depth with important people mutual understanding. In the second decade of September, special attention will require monetary aspects of the relationship. Failed test the projects will fall apart, however, and from this process you can extract favor. In October, your analytical skills will be on top, but try not to show your advantages. And don’t grab for several energy-intensive cases at the same time. In early November on its ways you are unlikely to miss the old rake. Cycle accumulated experience and all my wisdom to understand why some life exams have to be taken twice. The relationship is outlined cooling, but those that pass the test will enter the refinement phase perspectives and vital decisions. In December you will make a new choice under the influence of external circumstances. The most important events will occur on the verge of the outgoing and coming year. Avoid excess risk, transfer excess energy to useful activity. And most importantly – make sure that you are not put in the face of change, and you yourself decided that you need them for self-realization. An important point – if you decide on something – back there will be no way. Horoscope for 2013 for Taurus Life may make an unexpected zigzag right after the New Year. Not sit long at the festive table, but try your luck different ways. Try your strength in a new field, go to distant lands or take the risk of declaring love to someone. In area 8 January, changes are possible in addition to your desire. January 13th neither Never give in to impulse or sudden desire. the end January will expand your choice in both professional and more enjoyable aspects of life. The beginning of February will bring a change in romantic moods. The desire to act will be associated with the need for certainty or freedom. But this is just a “warm up” before the events that begin in late March – early April. In the winter months, there will be many secret incentives in your life, desires and circumstances. Your rational mind will give all appreciation, and others may not know what you experienced and felt at that time. From the end of March, wait for the stunning news and onslaught from parties of people who for one reason or another are not indifferent to you. In April you will have to act in an unusual rhythm, and besides power reserve, you need to take care of the “nest egg” because significant costs ahead. In May, you will either appreciate the benefits inaction when everything you need finds you, or expose your life to a big coup, and that will be your decision. 14 May be careful not to make a big mistake. In the end of May, on the contrary, your luck may reach a peak. Successful in June there will be a vacation, especially visits to relatives or trips with nostalgic shade. If the vacation is not expected, then you are with Enjoy home repair and design. In july you want a beautiful life. Have fun, flirt, but keep your secrets to yourself, because it will be a magnificent color at this time bloom intrigues and rumors. From July 26 to August 2, you should think exclusively about work, using external influence and unexpected gifts of fate. Personal life in turn will benefit from your practicality. At the end of August you will need more caution, especially in love affairs and financial affairs. In the first half of September Your demands for beauty and comfort will increase. Choose a program for self-improvement or devote free time to needlework. In the second half of September, important relationships for you will survive crisis and possibly stop. For strong alliances, it will be time struggle with external difficulties. In October it will be keenly felt any injustice – in the distribution of duties, profits, additional load. You don’t want to listen to your voice intuition. But it is necessary. Second half of October and November – time revision of contracts and schemes in business relations. What you come, will upset or delight you for a long time, therefore, carefully approach the formation of their prospects. Hand over affairs and It is advisable to take stock of the year until December 20. By this time you should be ready and the task package for the coming months of next of the year. The last decade of December is an unpredictable time. Not take risks, do not initiate new topics, but leave enough space for surprises. Important and useful changes can occur in as a result of exacerbation of current processes. Your vision will tell you the desired method of action. Amazing way can come back what you almost ceased to hope for. Horoscope on 2013 for Gemini This is your year, Gemini! Jupiter which will spend the first half of the year in your sign, will be beneficial influence on the course of current affairs and will help lay the foundations of a major life project for the next 12 years. It is likely that the beginning years will be marked for you by a change of activity, an important decision in personal relationships or abandonment of the usual pastime in benefit of unknown interest. Change is almost inevitable but important not completely destroy what is your stronghold well-being and comfort. From January 19, your thoughts and actions will gain clarity and lightness. A favorable period begins self-improvement, mastering a new space, fascinating communication on the Internet and enriching ideas that are enough for a whole year. Inspiration will come in a personal relationship from February 2, and before that you will have to abide by conventions, remember your promises and demonstrate serious intentions to a partner. February is better just do theoretical preparation of future affairs and strengthening emotional bonds. This is a great time to study, creative activities, the implementation of personal hobbies. And the best in year for gatherings with friends and exchange of experience. It should be noted that Until mid-April, ideas will appear as if from the air, but in important matters will feel a lack of material reinforcement. AND relationships will gravitate to volatility and windiness. In the end March – early April, you have to develop energy-intensive activity. The main thing – do not lose your head. More you have optimism, the greater the change and the larger the projects. After On April 14th you will get more freedom for your actions and, perhaps new credentials. Another focus of change is April 20-21. Keep to the main course, do not let yourself be knocked off it and take cold head solutions only. May your dreams get power implementation. Think about practical things first and foremost. remain faithful to trusted sources and links. Interesting events will unfold in the region on June 18. If the opportunity arises fulfill a long-standing intention or someone will offer you a joint project, sponsorship, do not miss this chance. Perfect time for vacations and long trips. In July you will feel fatigue from too rapid a development of events and need make home a place of solitude and personal creativity. May resume contact with childhood friends. August will fill your life with romance, excitement, new hobbies, but not expect to get away from work. The authorities will have their own kinds. This is a time of clearing and systematization at all levels. IN September you will be interested in only quality things. In his Surrounding you will become a source of useful advice. This time transfer of experience and tying ties in the future. In October, everything best practices of the current year will find the assembly point. Feel free to give your thoughts are mercantile in nature and try as much as possible promote financial interests. In November, even your cheerful depression can cover nature, and work will be the only salvation in this dark season. In personal relationships you can to be in the thick of a detective story, so diverse in intrigue and the secrets will be your life and the revelations of those around you. First two decades of December, public interests will be more important for you than personal ones. Do not rush into the embrasure and follow the border of the reasonable, so that Do not de-energize your core interests. And don’t relax at the end of the year! Holidays, holidays, but at that time will be decided the fate of your plans for next year. Horoscope for 2013 for Cancer This is your year, Cancer! No matter how much you want constancy and stability, this year will make you go free swimming on Search for a new island of prosperity. In January, try decide on a support group, form a circle like-minded people. Only building relationships correctly and moderately taking risks, you can expand your field of activity and raise income level. Loners will have to be much more difficult. January 19 to On February 5, mutual understanding will be reached at a glance, and ideas arise from the air. Select the ones you find material justification. In February, you will be generous and capable of reckless actions. This magical time can bring you a new romance, hobbies, intriguing riddles in a relationship. Problems are possible if you ignore direct duties, and from March 21 work should definitely be in the first place for you. In the end March – early April a powerful impulse of personal initiative can be cool change your professional destiny. You can change the field activities, but not influenced by emotions. Do not risk what you have if the odds are against you. And vice versa – sell the situation, if you feel that you are close to realizing your dream. In May impulsiveness will give way to calm rationality. it good time to relax, make dating, appropriate your new interests. The most heavy things will budge if you feel the benefits, although at first the efforts may seem excessive. From the last decade of May everything will be decided faster and easier. Other people’s sympathies will work for you, secret ones including. In June, there may be problems in the house and with relatives, conflicts in which you will feel right. It will be easier to compromise to secure the opportunity to do what you like. Need for beauty and pleasures in June will be aggravated. It’s best to take a vacation, but if it doesn’t work out, use every opportunity to diversify own life. July 8, get ready to start the game according to the new rules. The process of rebuilding will happen easily if you change your environment, interests and social circle. It is possible that you will have to survive a renaissance of feelings, an old love or idea will return to you, for which once lacked strength, and now the main thing is not to repeat old mistakes. Do not waste your energy on new projects. Good luck only the affairs that you have prepared and started to advance earlier. The necessary information will find you. July use for vacations if you are planning a trip to places of childhood. In august you will be encouraged and tempted to take risks more than usual. Ideas will overwhelm you, and by the end of the month they will truly open unique features. It’s likely that you will start a business, which you can develop over the next twelve years. In September to caution and sanity will return to you. This is a favorable month. for grinding skill and health prevention. Try to relax and strengthen with a margin. In October, relationships and creative plans will survive difficult times. You may be disappointed in something, but don’t give up and try to reduce claims to yourself and to others. In November, old principles and attitudes make you easier undergo a review if you realize that they are of little use. Any think carefully about decisions and actions. So you can avoid ridiculous accidents and more serious problems. In the first half December, try to get together and summarize your achievements. Remember that you will still enjoy half the goal of increased luck, but you need to know exactly what you want. In the end of the month ties with partners may be disrupted, disagreements arise. Your gift foreseeing and deflecting problems will prove invaluable not only for you. The first half is favorable for important events December. If you do not have time, postpone decision making to the second decade of January. Horoscope for 2013 for Leo 2013 promises the Lions an expansion of powers, an increase in influence in groups and teams where you work, relax or sell your hobbies. Your popularity will increase, and with it – the chances to new fateful meetings and the expansion of social horizons. The first half of the year is favorable for study and self-education, travel, travel, the realization of your interests abroad. IN January the influence of Saturn on the “home” sector of your horoscope make you thoroughly reorganize your housing and relationships with relatives. Perhaps you decide to give some kind of relationship new status or form, reallocate responsibilities and sort the links according to their importance in your life. In February you have to face original people and situations, which will have a liberating effect on your lifestyle and become a source of new ideas for the year ahead. You need to work in February implement the achievements of advanced technologies, use finds, prompts – and all this ahead of schedule, under the influence of impulse, instinct benefits. February will be one of the most romantic months of the year. From 20 March to April 20 powerful energies activate your craving for to the unknown. You will be easy to climb and set to cardinal change. This time is ideal for implementing programs, that are related to your pursuit of excellence, be it search new opportunities away from home, mastering a new look activity, introduction to a healthy lifestyle or device personal happiness abroad. These trends complement perfectly. the power of the internet, instantly connecting people and accelerating search for information. Every time a new year arrives, representatives of the sign of lions begin to bear the plans of the great accomplishments that they will certainly carry out in the future. Coming 2013 year of the Black Water Snake, as the horoscope predicts for 2013 year, will not be an exception in this sense, Lions will be full energy and will be ready to begin immediate promotion of their career or to the implementation of ambitious business projects. In some least this year will really be a turning point for Lviv. And worth they take only the first step towards the realization of their goals, like everyone anxieties, doubts and experiences will finally leave them. But here you should be careful not to try to solve all problems with swoop as the Black Water Snake, as the horoscope predicts Lion for 2013, does not tolerate too hasty and ill-conceived action. And although the work should certainly be focused, you should not rush. If you want to deal with problems with the help of an assault, you can not only be defeated, but also get a few new problems instead of the previous one. Do not force events, it’s better to step back a bit and wait while doing it elimination of minor flaws and difficulties. Moreover, arrogance and pride usual for Lviv this time can serve bad service. After all, in order to solve many issues in this, new 2013, you will have to resort to the help of other people or gather like-minded people around you. And if you will be unnecessarily intolerant towards those around you, you can to be in proud loneliness, which will certainly affect the results of your activities, and in the most negative way. This applies not only to your professional sphere, but also to the field personal relationships. No no one says you shouldn’t strive for a leadership role that rightfully belongs to you, but yours the desire to lead should also benefit those who are you surrounds, not just you personally. The coming year promises the Lions tremendous success if he manages to lead the team, working on some promising project, or if Leo holds one of the leading positions in the enterprise. If, however, If you don’t have such a team yet, this year gives you every chance for it creation. So go for it. This is not to say that your work on creating such a team will be very quick, however, if you don’t backtrack on your goal, then your team really the most impossible task at first glance will prove to be possible. By Nevertheless, do not expect that you will solve all issues only in a collective way, and from your personal business qualities will be few, what to depend on. This is not true. And in order not to be convinced of this in a negative way, give strength to enhance your own educational level. You may well know which development qualities of your character should be given special attention, and from which is better to get rid of. Do not forget that year Black Water Snake, as the horoscope predicts Leo for 2013, – this is not the right time to risk thoughtlessly, take part in lotteries or in gambling. It can in greatly ease your wallet and even completely put to the brink of ruin. The fall of 2013 will remain very for Lviv busy time, because all those projects that you managed run, will require your constant presence and direct participation. And just before the New Year you You can count on a small vacation with your family. Use this time for overseas trips and Christmas the holidays. Horoscope for 2013 for Virgo If you dreamed about change, the first half of 2013 will give you a chance to try strength in a new field. Even if you are comfortable with your work, do not refuse to work part-time elsewhere, courses, trainings and business trips. Interest in many things at once will be energize your nervous system. The rule for this year is to bring to The end is one thing, before starting a new one. In January you will be attract older people with experience. Finding the source of wisdom valuable information involves expanding the circle of friends, participating in the lives of different groups. January 6 news and change is nothing but hints – did you take the right course or do you need something urgently to correct. January 22, proceed to one of the main things of the year. In February, support and help partners will come when you are in it most in need. But in current affairs they will try shift the lion’s share of responsibilities to you. February 23 to 18 March will bring up old mistakes and miscalculations. May lash against you intrigue, spiteful activists are activated. Stay away and retire. IN late March – early April issues come to the fore joint ownership, distribution of funds. For some, this may be an entry into inheritance rights or the acquisition of a sponsor for their projects. It is also a time of experimentation and finding new ways self-realization. A very bright period in sexual relations. If in April life will require you to take initiatives and difficult decisions, then in May provide respite. You just need to follow the path, who opens and do each business leisurely and thoroughly. May is well suited for holidays if you plan long trips. You will be interested in all means of communication. Time to this month, the acquisition of a new computer, phone, registration visas. From the third decade of May and in June it is optimal to deal with issues careers. It is to this period to a greater extent applies warning not to overvoltage and try to bring things to the end. The third decade of June is a time of significant change. Year The Black Water Snake, as the horoscope of Virgo predicts for 2013, inspire Dev to the most unexpected things. Acting on incredible rise, they will even sacrifice the usual with their ordinary life rules, but they will receive additional freedom for themselves. Whatever work the Virgo undertakes, they perform it with the utmost accuracy and accuracy, and the euphoria that engulfs them with beginning of 2013, this will not hurt. But she will help get rid from the usual complexes inherent in the Virgin, thanks to which the Virgin will allow try yourself in various professional fields and the most unexpected forms. However, the Virgin always sought to self-improvement, and the successful location of the planets in 2013 only help them with that. But what turns out to be completely unexpected for representatives of this sign, this is the sensual euphoria that cover them literally in the first weeks of 2013. Virgin rarely go on about their own feelings, because they value their well-being his personal life. But at the beginning of 2013, all life spheres Representatives of this sign expect significant upheaval, and they will be caused precisely by those mistakes that the Virgin will make under the influence of feelings that surged over them. During this period, Virgo may abandon both study and work, to such an extent that lost subsequently have to make up for a very long time. However, recovering from the turmoil of the beginning of the year, Virgo with renewed vigor will get to work and in general this whole year promises to be for them quite successful. During this period you will be able to do your own by opening a business, change work to a more interesting and highly paid, and finally find your personal happiness – it promises the Virgo horoscope for 2013. However, get ready for that you have to work hard all year. Problems and complex issues requiring urgent solutions will arise before you one by one, so take a long rest in this new 2013, you are unlikely to be able to afford. But awaits you rich and long communication with colleagues, friends, business partners and potential investors. This period will allow you to gather around you people on whom you really You can rely further. And this is already a lot, since in 2013 people who are engaged in special success will achieve team work. But besides this, those will be especially successful virgins who have devoted themselves to some kind of creativity, for example, writers, musicians, designers, actors. They really will be able to this new year 2013, to create such works about which subsequently they will talk a lot and for a long time. If you are thinking about creating your own business. Then open it in the spheres, related to restaurants, design or landscape design. it those areas that promise to start bringing before the end of the year significant profit, if, of course, you make the most of them their efforts and efforts. In the second half of 2013, many Virgin they can suddenly feel a craving for mysticism, secret knowledge, occultism, philosophy. You might also be interested in one of religions, even if so far you have been a staunch atheist. Some of the Maidens even enroll in special courses in order to to understand the basics of the chosen philosophy and may later devote to her some part of his life. At the end of the year you should pay attention to the staff with whom you work or again review your business partners. Maybe it makes sense gain new connections in order to enter a new professional level. Horoscope for 2013 for Libra S October 2012, you could feel that life has become more fun, duties, if not diminished, then you cope with them faster, and there are more and more hobbies and pleasant plans. Saturn left the sign of Libra, in which he spent two years, and now it influence will extend to the area of your financial interests. Topic year number one – cash control and the search for new revenue options. Until June, you can connect your success with long-distance Abroad – commercial activity, business trips, leisure. Someone will arrange their personal life in this way. Interests in January will revolve around the house, repair, design. Don’t miss 4 January to resolve an important personal issue. The first decade of February looks very encouraging and can make the impossible possible. You do not need to do anything except to recognize your chance and accept a gift. The first half of March is favorable for replenishment knowledge, exchange of experience and services. Sympathy, patronage, mutually beneficial interests will be very important and you should not ignore this way of achieving goals. At the end of March it turns out that not everything in your life is in balance. You have to to experience moments that go beyond the ordinary. Kind cleansing and updating relationships, reloading plans for a year. If you make the right choice, mark the tide almost immediately energy and a favorable combination of circumstances. First decade April is the time of truth in love. The initiator of change may be partner. Give your reactions a little theatricality for more impressions. In the main activity, make sure, especially where you feel the weaknesses. Last week of April will return you a sense of stability and comfort. Material issues again will come first, and ideas will receive suitable conditions for implementation. In May, it’s good to learn something new, to travel, exchange experience, expand the circle of communication and interests. Take a couple of weeks of vacation or a few days off – you will desperately need fresh impressions. For representatives of the sign of Libra, the upcoming 2013 year brings with it a lot of difficulties. Meanwhile, the real problems in their lives will not be so many, although, of course, they will be present. It’s all about Libra’s infinitely fluctuating nature, for a long time hesitating to bow either one way or the other. Mistress of the year – Black Water Snake, as the horoscope predicts Libra for 2013, will strongly require all signs to solve their problems on their own, while Libra does everything from them possible to evade responsibility and shift their difficulties on the shoulders of others. If they stick exactly such a line of behavior, then they risk being among the distant this year’s outsiders. Yes, alas, in 2013, Fortune will clearly not be smile at the scales. Of course, they will have to work hard, but the efforts expended will clearly not be justified, in addition, numerous discrepancies and minor problems will reduce them at all to no. Under the influence of circumstances, Libra will seem to be against literally the whole world revolted them, and no matter what they undertook, everything doomed to failure and failure. This, of course, is not entirely true, but indeed, not a single Libra project in this new 2013 year will start the first time, they will need more and more efforts in order to somehow launch it. Those Libra that engage in their own business, feel urgent the need for its reorganization. This will be due to the fact that not only profits will noticeably decrease, but even profitability existing enterprises. However, you should not be upset, since such bad luck will not last all year and subject to persistent and active work, as well as a steady desire to the intended goal, you will be able to straighten out over time the created situation and not only straighten, but even get profit. Try not to lose faith in your own strength and not scatter around. It would be better if you put all your thoughts and desires on paper in the form of a small plan, which you will follow steadily. And most importantly, not try to liquidate an existing enterprise and run brand new since this year is not suitable for such your beginnings. Naturally, the need to overcome constantly emerging problems will not affect the nervous system in the best way Libra, because in fact they will have to act in a state constant stress. However, each coin has two sides, and such tension will inevitably develop your intuition, and besides temper for the future and teach to meet difficulties with a smile. Consider the emerging situation as an opportunity gaining invaluable experience – this is advised by the horoscope Libra for 2013 year. When depression reaches its peak, just try relax and turn to your favorite remedy for this. For for someone it will be a favorite hobby, for someone it’s music. And someone can go to the spa salon. As you learn resist the blows of fate. You will notice that they are becoming less sensitive, and then they will become much smaller. it will happen closer to the middle of the year. A good option for Libra in this new year 2013 will also have the opportunity to continue education or self-education. Maybe you will start interested in the occult sciences, or you turn to religion. A maybe you will suddenly discover one of the eastern philosophies. In any case, you should just wait out this difficult period of your life, since already in the fall of 2013 will gradually come to the usual norm. Horoscope for 2013 for Scorpio 2013 for the Scorpions will be held under the sign of Saturn. Get ready for big projects, momentous changes and thoughts over the meaning of life. Fate will put someone in a tight framework, subject to restrictions, make global cleansing processes, both in relation to his body, and surrounding space. And someone will make a leader of circumstances, lifeguard, set a new global goal, perhaps not one year, will make you risk the acquired and reliable, but all these changes will be dictated not by whim, but by necessity. In mid-January you already forget about the New Year holidays. Serious are coming discussions, negotiations and business trips. Turn on your pragmatism and waste time and energy only on worthy things. IN In February, a new secret may appear in your life. This winter a month will create a favorable atmosphere for new acquaintances, romantic dates. You will be willing to discuss with partner future prospects that will deepen your connection. First two the decades of March will be marked by delays in business and new plans. IN old ideas, people, offers will come back to your life. Reviewing the past and your mistakes, you can change the future and then something catch up. The end of March – the beginning of April is the most difficult and interesting period of 2013. He will bring trials and new Opportunities for your core business. You can unexpectedly change jobs, business or position. At this time you need closely monitor your health. Large loads should be necessarily justified. Risk is almost inevitable, but it should be found justification In May, you need to build relationships. Look for mutually beneficial interests in any contacts – and your affairs will be move forward without problems. If you decide to “push” and insist on yourselves, get ready for a strong opposition. In May Favorably address issues of ownership, investment, status relationships and inheritance. In June, the flow of information and active communication cause the need for updating. You can easily part with some landmarks and immediately choose new ones. And exactly the same with people – June may be marked by partings, although it is possible that only temporarily, under the influence of a sudden craze. In 2013 Scorpio will successfully develop the ideas that he started implement back in 2012. Mood of the Year Black Water Snakes, as predicted by the horoscope of Scorpio for 2013, in full least coincides with the internal rhythms of Scorpio himself and therefore all his actions will be doomed to good luck. Scorpio is not have to worry in this new 2013 about the state of their affairs, but he will have to take some very important for himself decisions on which his future fate may depend. If Scorpio wants to really change his life, then in 2013 he would have a pretty good chance of it. is he will be able to rally the team around him and become his recognized leader, solve problems in his personal life, engage in self-education or continue training, in general, Scorpio in this new 2013 year, will be able to try all the possibilities in order to finally decide what really he wants to get from life. it and no wonder, because Scorpios are under a special the patronage of the Black Water Snake, as the horoscope predicts Scorpio for 2013, and they go to her undoubted favorites. A therefore, they can always count on her support. As well as and the mistress of this year, Scorpio is not prone to fussiness, preferring to conduct business carefully and carefully considering everything. However if the Scorpions are the undisputed favorites of this year, this doesn’t mean that everything will be too easy for him, and difficulties will bypass him. He just will be much easier to overcome them than representatives of other signs. Prudence, intuition and particular insight of Scorpio help him foresee most of the problems and by the time they occurrence to be fully equipped. Scorpio leadership can with use these amazing abilities in this new 2013, in order to wrap them for the benefit of the entire company. So Scorpions can be entrusted with the maintenance of complex and ambiguous negotiations or developing a strategic action plan enterprises. It is their amazing intuition and ability predicting events ahead will help the entire company with overcoming crisis situations with honor. What are the difficulties waiting for the representatives of the sign of Scorpio in this new 2013 year. IN First of all, you need to pay attention to relationships with those around you. One of Scorpio’s complex character traits, it is that he cannot forgive or forget the insults that he inflicted voluntarily or involuntarily. And although he can endure for a long time and in no way do not react to them externally, the memory of the insults inflicted remains in to his soul forever, and if the opportunity presents itself, Scorpio must will sting the one whom he considers his opponent. This leads to difficulties and misunderstanding in the team. After all, as a rule, since Scorpio does not immediately inflate the scandal, those insults that were inflicted on himself, already safely forgotten, but the reaction Scorpio on them is noticeable to everyone, which leads to what Scorpio begin to consider aggressive, insidious and evil by man. The emergence of these controversial and unpleasant situations should beware at the junction of spring and summer, as well as at the end vacation season, early fall. Spring and summer will be for Scorpio the period when he can open a new business or engage in the development of an existing enterprise. His new ideas and projects will also find their life embodiment at this time. After hard summer work in the fall of 2013 Scorpio may relax and reap the benefits of your victories. In fact, 2013 will allow Scorpions to lay a strong and stable foundation under their future grandiose accomplishments. Horoscope for 2013 for Sagittarius Devote the coming year to partnerships. You with make new connections and contacts with ease. You will be enchanted strong, gambling, easy-going and successful in various fields people. You can succumb to the radiance of someone’s personality and decide on changes in career or personal life. There is some risk lose support and stability in familiar and mundane relationships, betray part of what is part of your old and reliable of the world. In January, be picky when deciding who to deal with and what to do. Think more about making money than spending and not hurry up to ruin what recently suited. February will direct your attention to unexpected things. This month’s ideas will be nourish your interests throughout the year if you succeed explain to yourself and partners their practical meaning. The end of March – The beginning of April is preparing you a powerful energy boost, flashes inventiveness and renewal of romantic hopes. The brighter and the more original the subject of your interest, the more likely lose your head or quickly part with part of the cash savings. Control the need for radical actions – change location living, moving in or out with someone. But if you decide – get ready for more thorough changes. In the last numbers May will open several new opportunities. Hold the quiver arrows ready – and some kind of hare will definitely be yours. It is auspicious time for new partnerships, alliances and alliances with people at basis of new projects. In June, new connections can be checked on business. This is a favorable month for investments, transactions and events. with a certain amount of risk. Something you have to manifest in pioneer roles, but trends are favorable, and better not relax until the goal is reached. In July in the current delays are possible, but there will be interest in more global projects. Devote this time to a leisurely and thorough search. information, preliminary discussions and negotiations. August a wonderful month for a vacation if you plan to spend it away from the house. Business trips will be relevant in the workflow, transactions with foreign partners, transfer of experience to the younger generation. In early September, use every opportunity for the benefit of your career prospects. You can change jobs, make deals and contracts, recruit new people and attract sponsors. In the second half of September, life will set new challenges in business relationship. They have to be changed and transformed, and this process will not always be pleasant. If there are material obstacles character, think about what they take you from. Tackle the topic health, physical self-improvement – and part of the external problems will disappear imperceptibly. October will toughly raise the issue of savings and cleaning measures. Devote this month to global clean up your life, but be careful not to splash out and baby. “Some things and connections will be useful look from a different angle and find a new meaning for them and application. In November, it is better to reduce the load, but important matters are not leave unattended. Overload can adversely affect on health status. Relations this month threatens cooling and discord. But if you pass joint tests with someone, consider that they got a new ally. December will provide a new front of work and will return to you the usual confidence and luck. Not excluded unpleasant news at the end of the month, but in general this time can become highly productive in building fortifications against vicissitudes fate Do not get stuck on current difficulties and disagreements. 8 to December 17, take advantage of useful opportunities immediately. Fix arrangements, get support, take out a new one position. It’s better to immediately “push through” the situation than to postpone it for the beginning of the new year. Horoscope for 2013 for Capricorn The drastic changes that you faced in 2012 are not are over. You have yet another year of global restructuring, after which you will go a new way, freed from the load lost their value, aiming for new landmarks. IN the first half of the year you have a lot to do in your home world and family relationships. For many Capricorns it will be related to changes in marital status, family composition and issues housing. In January, you get a golden chance to make a deal, sign a contract or create a partnership that will fill The meaning of your work is a year in advance. February will provide an influx new ideas and expand your interests in many areas. Financial the question should be at the center of any topic and event. This month will require frugality and foresight, and then you will benefit of the most diverse and often unusual possibilities. First decade March is a magical time to desire and dream. If sent correctly request, then dreams will come true in the first half of May. April will have to devote to household chores that will fall like snowball. You will encounter annoyance in your circle, but the goal will justify the means, and in the end you will get a big satisfaction. This is a great time to make your home. beautiful and comfortable and streamline relationships with loved ones. From the middle April to mid-May, your life will go so smoothly that you can be envied. It is a good time for holidays and other joys of life. Try to spend more time with your loved ones. people and do things that give you pleasure. For Capricorns, 2013 will be a rather complicated and mixed year. No, the trends of this year, in general, will be quite prosperous, however, there will also be plenty of problems in order to to overcome, the representatives of this sign will have to painstakingly work. And, oddly enough, the cause of these problems will not be machinations of enemies, and Capricorn’s own laziness and their unwillingness take life seriously. Black Water Snake, as predicted Capricorn horoscope for 2013, which is the mistress of this year, very negative about such frivolous behavior, she believes that moderation and order should reign in everything. Capricorn does not like to work hard, he prefers shift own responsibilities to the shoulders of others, while he can safely enjoy the fruits of other people’s labors. Already from the first months of the coming year, Capricorn’s head will be filled original and somewhat revolutionary projects and ideas, quite worthy of real embodiment. However, representatives of this sign prefer to solve problems and do things with cavalry charge. The need to apply active and strenuous efforts discourage them to such an extent that they if not ready to abandon their own projects, then at least least put them aside. There is also a great danger that Capricorns will only create the appearance of active work to create a certain image, but the essence of the matter will be left without their attention, they won’t want to delve into it. This is also hiding main danger. From the very first days of the coming year capricorns will make mistake after mistake that will grow like an avalanche, which means the more difficult it will be in the future fix it. Oddly enough, but these multiple problems are unlikely able to scare Capricorn. The most important thing for him is wait for his wave to come in order to jump in on its comb and balance on it, achieving small and large wins. Capricorns are able to perfectly control the course of the situation and due to this, be active at the right time, reaching thus success. If Capricorns remain in this new 2013, passive observers, then they risk being thrown far back. Spring promises a noticeable and sharp rise to capricorns in everything that will concern their professional sphere or areas of their personal business. However, to stay on top, Capricorns will need to compete with competitors and conquer a place in the sun. But the wisdom of Capricorn and his insight multiplied by life experience as reported Capricorn’s horoscope for 2013 will allow him to easily win this competition. Moreover, by this time he will be able to collect around him a reliable team that will support him. So that by summer the capricorn will deserve to rest on its laurels and triumph your victory. No matter what, Capricorn walks in favorites of capricious fortune and he is very lucky in all of his endeavors. The most important thing for him is to overcome his own laziness and seize the opportunities this one will provide him year. In this case, he has every chance of ending up at the end of the year. the number of winners. In the summer of 2013, Capricorn projects will go to active and hard work, however, representatives of this sign still be able to make time and relax for a few days or a couple weeks on the shores of the warm sea that they love so much. This rest Capricorn will only benefit and in the fall of 2013 with new forces they will be able to return to their immediate duties in order to impress everyone with his new success. Horoscope on 2013 for Aquarius Horoscope for 2013 for Aquarius still marked by the presence of Uranus in the sign of Aries, which makes you leaders of circumstances and catalysts for change for everything the rest of the zodiac. In fact, another 6 years you will own the excitement pioneers that will make life richer and more interesting, but not promises peace and stability. Second ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, in 2013 will go on Scorpio. You have to get to the bottom essence in volatile but vital situations to face hurt by the unknown, and then, as in the song – “we are ours, we are new we’ll build the world … “- start building a new foundation well-being and relationships. New Year’s Eve this time for Aquarius is unique. But to realize a desire, personal initiative is required. If you miss, it will be more than annoying. Naturally desires each has its own, but a characteristic feature for all – sudden rearrangements in plans, sympathies and priorities. January as a whole will be marked for you by high efficiency. It is desirable to her add responsibility and the ability to choose the most important. In February the most promising first week. She promises luck like romantics and pragmatists. Large expected in late March change. This time will be crucial for the main business and events this year. Around April 7 are also possible fateful events, or at least important news for you. Until April 21, there is much to discuss and decide with whom and under what conditions will you interact further. With the third the decades of April and the whole of May it will be possible to slow down and devote more attention to home, loved ones and personal hobbies. May 25-29 change will go a long way towards your future. Can Swing at the crane in the sky, if you are sure that you need it. Life can bestow something without a request from you. By June 19th your career ideas should go through the process comprehensive assessment. If a new interest suddenly arises and related opportunities – this will be timely. July is good take a vacation and realize some old dreams. It is possible without vacation; most likely, work at this time is provided to you in any location. At the end of August, do not take chances unnecessarily. Do that which requires repair and correction, including personal relationship. In September, you have to do more formal side of business relationships, contracts and debts than ever. IN October, any activity will require much effort, but difficulties will improve your relationships with friends and colleagues. In November any cleansing, cleaning, reconstruction will go with a bang. Do not forget, that your body needs such events. In December the first half of the month has great potential. Don’t put off trips and other pleasant events at the very end of the year. For this The goals are better suited for late November – early December. New Year’s Eve it’s better to be in a familiar place, to think about your victories, defeats and new plans. There is a high probability of returning some old Topics. Assess risks, how much change and which ones. Horoscope for 2013 for Pisces In the first half years, the house and family will be in the first place for you. Subject to change marital status, having children, moving, acquiring real estate. You will be cramped in the old walls and want them push apart. If you are going to make repairs, do not delay it summer event. Stagnation in any topic will provoke sudden decisions and actions. To not hurt your core values, change something as often as possible – the interior, places of rest, social circle, hobbies, clothes. Get ready for change in January in the team, career changes. In personal relationships will intensify the need for reliability, guarantees, material signs of attention. Some connections at this time may come to the end. February will bring into your life renewal, fill it with romance and adventurism. Unexpectedly for yourself, you will begin to show initiative where before waiting “by the sea for the weather.” This is a good time to practice. esoteric. You can succeed in finding things and people, a clue all sorts of secrets. March will strengthen your influence in all situations. By in fact, March and April are for you the key months of the year when decide the fate of important projects and relationships. Events can get unexpected development. Do not be afraid to take over at this time additional load, look for a new application for your abilities. You will feel happier from the fact that something in your life is changing. In late March – early April, a test awaits you financial nature. This may be due to need. cardinal change of personal image, lifestyle, and you do not stop at no cost. But with a reasonable approach, this time can demonstrate unique opportunities in the field of earnings, but to change the appearance in April it is better to use sports, dances and other power and mobile physical options loads. From the third decade of April you can relax, take a vacation or just spend more time on the things you like. IN May it’s good to learn something new, systematize earlier accumulated knowledge, find them scope. The end of May is time changes in home and family life. You will feel that you need more freedom for self-expression and expanding the circle of friends. Make sure that no random people are in your house. From June and a year in advance your luck in love and creativity rises. it time is ideal for “free artists”, those whose work is not constrained by the framework, has a flexible schedule and the ability to accept independent decisions. In July, it’s best to relax at home, engage in creativity, gather friends on its territory. IN in August you will want changes, adventures. This is a favorable month. for vacation. For unmarried Pisces, resort novels are possible. Those who in marriage, there will be chores associated with children. Get ready for increased costs. In September, in business and personal relationships more pragmatism will appear. To win someone’s heart and hold love, you need more attention to prosaic things. A business partnership will also need a cold head and accurate calculation. But this time, like no other, can bring you to cherished goals. In October, try your luck away from home. If business trips or trips are not expected, use Internet as a means of access to the world. In November, life can put a new burden on you, but it’s better to find a deal on your own, which has long been waiting in the wings. Order and discipline will bring you a sense of security. Wisdom may come upon you in the person of a person endowed with a special status, or through communion to the new philosophical system. Meditate, be outdoors more often, build up strength. In December, the first two decades are favorable for new affairs. Toward the close of the year, personnel shifts at work are possible. Try to protect yourself, consider options for action on different occasions. Personal relationships will be filled with passions. New Year holidays will not bring respite. Use them for updating plans and important decisions.
Water Time Life Health Snakes Saturn Jupiter