Horse face, bear claws and pig body: on the beach discovered a strange creature

A resident of Tenby, United Kingdom, strolling along the beach, when he spotted an animal’s corpse in the sand. The man came closer and carefully examined the dead beast. During close examination of his find, 27-year-old Peter Bailey realized that he did not know a single an animal that looks like a strange creature. Fearing the monster will be washed away by the wave, the man photographed it and remembered the distinctive features. Photos from open sources

Photo: “This animal just looked disgusting. My first impression is the thought of a terrible cross: horse muzzle, bear claws and pig body. Obviously the creature was covered with wool, but in the process of decomposition most the hairline has fallen, ”the Briton describes the corpse of the mutant. Searching the Internet for images of similar creatures and not finding them, Peter decided to send pictures to local officials in order to get intelligible answer and finally identify your find. However, the authorities apparently were not too interested. sent materials and told Bailey that in the photographs captured the bloated corpse of a dog breed Jack Russell Terrier. Such the explanation did not suit the British, who believes that with vision he’s all right and to find out in the drowned dog he’s still in condition. “The monster was about a meter long, that is, too big for the terrier, ”Bailey insists. Photos from open sources

Tenby Beach Looking for a competent specialist man turned to the University of Swansea, located in Wales. Employee of this institution – Dr. Dan Foreman – became interested snapshots of a mysterious creature and expressed a desire to study them more in detail. After some time, Foreman expressed his point of view: “It’s hard to say what kind of animal, relying solely on picture. But judging by its size and shape of the paws on which five fingers apart, I can only guess one thing – this badger”. The Briton is in no hurry to get rid of photos, doubting that they depict a badger. A man prefers to search information about the monster whom he dubbed the beast of Tenby. Not only UK residents lucky for mysterious creatures: American the tourist also noticed a strange animal near the city of Deer Creek, Oklahoma. A man claims that a bald creature, caught in the lens of his camera – chupacabra.

UK Time Bears Monsters Dogs

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