How a cobra saved puppies and puppies saved cobra

How the cobra saved the puppies, and the puppies saved the cobraPhoto from open sources

Man too simplistic looks at the world around him, naive believing that only he has the mind, and everything else lives, or by reflexes (animals), or does not see anything at all, does not hear and does not feel (plants).

At the same time, we are surprised at the behavior of even the most primitive with our insect point of view, we suddenly notice that indoor plants react to our thoughts and emotions, with perplexity we learn that even living stones, because they independently move and lead yourself clearly consciously.

Confirmation that animals have intelligence at all most likely, no less than human was the case, occurred the other day in the state of Punjab India. Two playful puppies accidentally fell into a deep well, from where they could not get out help even their mother-dog, which, however, became loud bark – call for help from people.

Hearing this alarmed bark, he soon ran to the well the owner of the dog. What was his surprise when in the well he I saw not only miserable puppies, but also a royal cobra. Moreover the latter behaved very reasonably, because not only did not touch puppies, and even protected them, not allowing to run across to another side of the well, where they would certainly drown.

Rescuers who came from the forest department managed to raise from a well of puppies and a cobra only after two days. And all this time mother dog guarded and encouraged her kids, and the cobra faithfully performed the role of a nanny. For this, rescuers raised a snake from a deep well and drove her into the woods, releasing her to freedom. Wherein the cobra behaved like a good child, clearly understanding what people were doing to it. It turns out that not only the cobra saved the thoughtless puppies, but also they, albeit not consciously, helped the snake get out into the wild.

And in continuation of the topic started, look very kind and instructive documentary “Do Animals Think”. Not you will regret …

Snakes Dog Plants

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