How about walking through the prehistoric the forest?

What about walking through the prehistoric forest?A photo open source Datum Explorer application that you can install on your computers and gadgets, lets see virgin, untouched by man forests of Misty Albion. Going deep into the prehistoric thicket, the user meets on his ways of animals extinct 15 centuries ago, ancient birds and plants, which you can now see except on the pages encyclopedias.

App graphics artists crawled, using a laser, the modern forests of the British Isles. With precision reproducing the natural landscape, they inflicted on the resulting image of animals and birds, thereby creating a unique virtual world that allows us to touch the old to the past.

Walking through a wonderful forest, the user sees relatives in front of him and distant images of animals, fog, flowering trees. Journey can be done in any direction, but the game world has its own borders, virtual forest is not endless.

The creators of the application are convinced that it will help people to think. about the extinction of rare species of animals and the environmental problems of our the planet.

Birds Plants

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