How conspiracy theories are born

How are conspiracy theories bornPhotos from open sources of

Probably, the sources of each conspiracy theological theory are different, but there is something in common, namely, concealing the truth in our society, which official science, as a servant of the world elite, or silent or distorting, thereby creating incredible assumptions.

It turns out that for the powers that be, they are more preferable all kinds of fantastic nonsense than the true state of affairs. But this is only one facet of this problem, no less important can be called and one that assumes that science just can’t do much yet explain, but to confess in this – for some reason, “shy.” There is, for sure, and other facets, which can be clearly seen on the next an example.

There is no radiation only because one does not respond to it only person

American nuclear physicist Galen Winsor (Galen Winsor), almost devoting his whole life to nuclear energy, having retired by age, suddenly engaged in propaganda of whatever conspiracy theory – about concealment by the world elite the true effect of radioactive substances on the human body (see video below).

According to Winsor’s theory, supposedly dangerous radioactive uranium, like waste from nuclear power plants – these are all tools of the world conspiracy to prevent people from cheap nuclear energy, which would immediately put an end to oil, gas and coal, since a portable atomic generator can be had in every house, in every car, even in your pocket (atomic battery).

At his lectures and in life, Winsor in every possible way demonstrated the safety of uranium by eating it, laying it in the walls of your house and much more, while the nuclear physicist lived to 82 years old and died, certainly not from radiation sickness.

And so this conspiracy theory of the world was born conspiracy. Everything seems to be very convincing: Galen Winsor on himself demonstrated the harmlessness of uranium and its waste, and the world elite really not interested in undermining her power, which relies on huge reserves of hydrocarbons, which it owns and thanks to which he rules the world.

But here’s what worries: in this theory for some reason, as in official science, the same tool is used – default. Because the presence of radiation sickness cannot be denied, mass disasters from nuclear tests, the consequences of accidents on Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Fukushima-1, not to mention others, more minor atomic tragedies.

A photo from open sources

It turns out some nonsense: official science hides what it is profitable for her to hide, but conspiracy therapists use the same methods. Who knows, maybe Galen Winsor was just unique a person who was not exposed to radiation? Most likely so it is, because his experience has not been repeated by anyone (at least at least you just won’t find it on the Internet). And those who hit under radiation and really was dying of radiation sickness like It is said, before the century measured out to him, there are hundreds of such examples thousand

The father of another conspiracy theory may become each

We suggest you watch in conclusion another video. Its author is trying to put together a few inexplicable (abnormal) phenomena, which, from his point of view, are only because the powers that be are hiding something. Then there is practically he suggests thinking and giving birth to each of us one more conspiracy theory.

But aren’t there too many of these “substantiated” ones and, presumably, most often unreasonable conspiracy theories? Because today even any political silence that justifies itself state secret, perceived by conspiracy theorists as world conspiracy. And then, whoever is what, the benefit of the Internet allows to spread, as an infection, any speculation, wrapping them in beautiful wrappers of “undeniable” inferences (as the wise say, logically you can justify and prove anything) by supplying “compelling” photo and video materials, most of which, serious independent scholars say the most shameless fakes …

A life

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