A photo from open sources
Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) by nature are solitary animals that come together only in breeding season. Usually mating with Tasmanian devils occurs between February and April, and in Australia – in late August – early September. “Tasmanian devils are famous their aggressive behavior. However when the time comes multiply, their character becomes much softer and more flexible. In addition, Tasmanian devils are not against companionship with their relatives during a joint meal at a large carcass fallen animal, “said Tamara Kili, a university biologist Queensland in Australia. During mating, the Tasmanian females devils have three estrous cycles. Therefore if they fail get pregnant during the first cycle, they have two more attempts, before the breeding season is over. To attract partners in the mating season, both females and males begin to actively label its territory, spraying the “aromatic” liquid from the glands, located near the anus. They leave their smell on the ground, grass, rocks and trees, thus demonstrating their readiness get offspring. As a rule, females for breeding prefer to choose dominant, large males. If worthy there will be several applicants, males will fight for the right mating. However, the victory of the male does not guarantee the affection of the female. In order to mate, the male must win not only opponents, but also physically subjugate the female. If the male is stronger and the female to make sure that he is good enough for her, she will allow him to her. After which the male, clutching the female in scruff of the neck, drag it to his den, where the couple will be mate from a few minutes to an hour. To make sure the female it is precisely his offspring that bear, the male protects her during a few weeks. During this period of strict isolation, the steam does not eat, but only drinks water. And in the campaign from the den to the watering hole the male accompanies his female, not allowing her to escape and “walk” on side. However, despite all these stringent restrictions, males not always able to become the only fathers of the cubs. If a female manages to sneak, the litter of puppies may have several fathers.
Australia Time