How easy it is to become famous all over the country.

How easy it is to become famous throughout the country.Photos from open sources Video bloggers from Novokuznetsk continue to amaze Internet users with their entertaining “disputes.” Now they staged a shocking carriage of a passenger in a foreign car.

This passenger rode a car is not quite usual – he was glued to him outside with tape. At the same time, they dressed this unusual passenger in a cap with earflaps (probably so that when driving fast, the ears do not freeze), dark glasses, and the flag of Russia was tied to his feet.

The video has become very popular on the Web, and the media did not bypass it. side. Many of these nursery rhymes pleased, they even praised Novokuznetsk jokers for their ingenuity. But there were those who sharply condemned the extremes for their act, which, in their opinion, their hometown and Russia as a whole are dishonored. Especially outraged serious citizens of Russia, the Russian tricolor, cynically attached to feet of the “passenger under the tape”. But Ukrainians just this is very amused.

The humor of the Novokuznetsk “debaters” was not approved by the traffic police, decided to hold young people accountable. However, those are not in resentment to power structures, the main thing is that the guys have achieved their and became famous throughout the country. Well, what can’t you do for glory? Forget Herostratus fails in any way …


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