How exercise changes our DNA

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Everyone knows that exercise can make us healthier. and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. But how can running or cycling transformed into better health, it was not quite understandably. A new study found that exercises change shape and the functioning of our genes, Gretchen writes in The New York Times Reynolds. “The human genome is extremely complex and dynamic: genes constantly activated or take a passive state in depending on those biochemical signals that the body receives – explains the author. – When genes are active, they synthesize proteins, that cause a physiological reaction throughout the body. ” Changes in the functioning of genes (epigenetic changes) occur outside of genes, mainly during a process called DNA methylation. As a result of this process, groups of atoms – methyl groups – attached to the outside of genes, as microscopic mollusks, and make the gene more or less capable of taking and responding to body biochemical signals, says article. Scientists know that methylation patterns change in depending on lifestyle, but little was known about the relationship between methylation and exercises, the journalist writes. Scientists from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm attracted 23 young and healthy men and women who have undergone physical tests and medical tests, including a muscle biopsy in the laboratory, tells the publication. The experiment participants were asked to for three months to train on a stationary bike only one leg. This was done because both legs are anyway would be affected by methylation patterns at the expense of the whole image subjects of research, while one working leg showed only changes associated with exercises, it says in article. Three months later, scientists subjected young people to repeated tests. “Using sophisticated genome analyzes, researchers found: as for the genes of muscle cells of the working leg, then more than 5 thousand regions have gained new methylation schemes, ”writes author. Many of the methylation changes occurred at sites genomes known as enhancers – they regulate gene activity by enhancing protein synthesis. “Gene activity is noticeable amplified or changed in thousands of muscle cell genes, studied by researchers, “- says the publication.” Most the genes in question are known to affect energy metabolism, insulin secretion and muscle inflammation, – The article says. – In other words, they affect health and the physical form of our muscles and the body as a whole. “” Thanks endurance training (…) we can cause changes, which affect how we use our genes and how thanks to this we get healthier and more functional muscles that, ultimately improve our quality of life, “the author said Malen Lindholm Masters, Carolina Institute, who led the study. Source: The New York Times

DNA Life Health

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