How Icelandic builders offended elves

How Icelandic builders offended the elvesPhotos from open sources of

Iceland takes the elf legends quite seriously fairies, believing that these fantastic creatures are still exist in parallel with our world, touching and interacting with him. Elves here are revered as creatures endowed fabulously by force that can easily punish people if they violate certain laws or invade the territory of these gnomes.

That’s why Reykjavik City Hall asked the management of the company, engaged in road construction in their community, take urgent measures to calm the local elves. The fact is that the workers of this construction companies were too short-sighted and pragmatic, not showing due respect for the inhabitants of the underground peace, and retribution from the elves did not have to wait long.

Problems arose as soon as builders accidentally or deliberately (now you can’t make out) covered with so-called sand “elven stone.” And it began. That bulldozers suddenly broke without apparent reason, and therefore even the most first-class specialists are not if they could be repaired, then the road was flooded by the bride taken water, which caused the construction to stop. Wherein and people suffered: workers began to get injured unrealistically often, and once at a construction site a journalist nearly died, who suddenly failed in deep hole with mud. And these misfortunes did not see the end, as if who had jinxed the once exemplary construction company.

And then someone remembered the “elven stone” littered with sand due to negligence of workers. It came to the city hall, and then city ​​officials ordered road workers to dig out this magical stone, and not only dig out, clean it and even wash. And How only workers complied with this requirement of the municipality, elves like calmed down. However, the mayor’s office is even ready to move the road to another a place, if magic gnomes “require” it, here they are Seriously. And the demands of the mighty elves, as everyone has ascertained, manifest not in words but in deeds …

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