How many stars in the sky are simply not to count!

How many stars in the sky - just do not count!Photo from open sources Man used to believe that the stars in the sky countless. One has only to raise one’s head and look at flickering lights, and immediately feel like a grain of sand, lost somewhere on the edge of the universe. There are so many stars … But are they really impossible to count?

The number of stars visible from the surface of the Earth is approaching six thousand – a number very far from infinity and completely not impressive. All the heavenly bodies that can be observed with the naked eye and even with the most powerful telescopes of our time, have long been given their names, were cataloged and are numbered. And we still, lifting our heads up, are convinced that the night sky is dotted with myriad stars – a naive idea …

In addition, residents of the Eastern Hemisphere cannot see those celestial objects that are observed by the inhabitants of the West, and vice versa. Only half of the celestial sphere is revealed to the human eye, from which it follows that at the same time you can see no more than three thousand stars. However, this is only possible in theory, because consider everything visible objects in the sky interfere with a thick atmosphere, seasonal factors, city light, and more.

Even if you decide to admire the bizarre patterns of the constellations, being far from the city on a quiet, frosty night, you still You will not see all the stars generously scattered across the horizon. What about telescopes, magnifying glasses and binoculars? – you ask. With they cannot be used to consider what is hidden from the unarmed eyes? However, looking through a telescope, you will see all the same stars, only much more distant and not visible to the ordinary observer. Yes, there will be more of them, but still it’s a drop in the sea of ​​world outer space ocean.

Sometimes a person sees at night no more than a hundred heavenly bodies, but continues to believe that he will never count them. It’s a delusion due to how we perceive the world around us. We can not to capture the whole night sky, it’s easier for us not to count the stars, but call them the abstract word “a lot”, and if the stars really scattering, it’s all at all to come to the conclusion that we will never have them for anything don’t count …

But despite all the limitations of our perception of the stellar heaven, there is nothing more beautiful than its fantastic, bewitching beauty, as the video shows us, is so talented made by a wizard operator.

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