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Scientists have found that the use of smartphones leads to mental exhaustion and poor performance.
American scientists (Rutgers University) conducted study that showed the use of a smartphone for leisure during a break from mental stress does not give the brain “relax” and leads to reduced productivity.
One of the authors of this work, Terry Kurzberg, noted that mobile phones cause a person to have a strong desire to use for example, to check for new messages, write someone an answer or just go online.
The study was conducted on a group of 414 students who 20 riddles were made. When it’s time for a break, students They suggested they choose in what way they want to relax: for smartphone, computer or piece of paper. Quarter group refused to go for a break and continued to fulfill the set tasks.
It turned out that students who whiled away time with smartphones they didn’t rest, but received mental exhaustion and could not with the former solve riddles with speed. These students needed 19% more time to master the remaining puzzles. In addition, they are on 22% did worse with the riddles themselves than students who rest time abandoned phones. The latter did not lose at all efficiency, as if you hadn’t taken a break at all.
According to Kurtzberg, many are sure that a break with a smartphone in hands – also a vacation, but they are mistaken, since gadgets are actually distract us, and a person is not able to focus on assigned tasks.
Andrey Vetrov
Smartphones Time