How much should I really sleep human?

How much should a person really sleep?A photo from open sources

Specialists of NSF (National Sleep Fund) have developed new recommendations on how much people really need spend time sleeping to be healthy and good yourself feel. Making recommendations for temporary sleep range for children as well as young and old people, group experts studied more than 300 research studies on sleep, which were published between 2003 and 2014. Including studies aimed at studying the effects were considered for human health from lack of sleep and sprinkling. According to study, recommended duration of the time range sleep during the day for each age group is as follows: Newborns (up to 3 months): 14 – 17 hours. Infants (4 to 11 months): 12 – 15 hours. Toddlers (1 to 2 years old): 11-14 hours. Children (from 3 to 5 years): 10 – 13 hours. School children (from 6 up to 13 years): 9 – 11 hours. Adolescents (14 to 17 years old): 8 – 10 hours. Young people (18 to 25 years old): 7 – 9 hours. Average age (from 26 to 64 years): 7 – 9 hours. Seniors (65 years and older): 7-8 hours. NSF experts are confident that their recommendations regarding the duration of sleep will help people make individual holiday schedules, following which they can strengthen your health. The team also recognized that some people can sleep slightly more or less than anticipated in the recommendations, without experiencing any negative health consequences.

For this reason, recommendations include an interval of a few hours, which may be appropriate for some people. For example, despite the recommendation that people from 26 up to 64 years allocated for sleep 7 – 9 hours, for some it’s enough rest for 6 hours, and others, for example, in order to feel rested, it may take at least 10 hours of sound sleep.

Experts focus on what is actually there’s nothing wrong with a slight deviation from the norm regarding the necessary amount of time to sleep. However, if the duration a person’s sleep goes far beyond the recommended range, this indicates health problems.

As a rule, a short sleep is caused by such health problems, like overweight and high blood pressure. Too long sleep is usually caused by cardiovascular disease.

Health Time

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