A photo from open sources
The acquisition of a house or apartment is not so frequent for the vast majority of Russians. Preparing for such a deal Seriously.
Even wealthy people who allow themselves to change time about time more comfortable housing, they are sensitive to the buying process and very carefully. Interestingly, many potential buyers, getting ready to make a deal, they suddenly become very superstitious. Them it seems that from the unpleasant surprises associated with the new by otherworldly forces. So the most different signs.
It’s all about numbers!
The most common superstition is negativity coming from a number 13. It is difficult to find a person who somehow does not show his dissatisfaction if he is offered to buy an apartment under this number. Most often, as realtors say, even the most serious and educated people try to avoid such purchases.
The number 6 scares many, and they never agree to live in apartment with a “six” in the room. Deserved special hatred number 666.
Some are convinced that the deal should not be concluded on the 13th, and nothing about “Friday the 13th,” and everyone knows that it is an unlucky day! Sometimes superstitions apply to Monday, and on other days.
Sometimes this superstition turns around. For example, how said one realtor, a potential buyer was looking an apartment in the room of which must be present eight. If she was persuaded to at least look at other options, suitable for all other parameters, the woman is categorically refused to even approach the “wrong” apartments.
As it turned out, a personal astrologer gave her such advice. According to women, so far all his recommendations have brought her only benefit – obeying the astrologer, she adjusted her personal life and became make good money, so she referred to him with attention.
Many want to live without fail in an apartment at number 3 or 7, and others have favorite numbers 5 or 9. What can you do – people they often believe that choosing the right number will bring them luck. An experienced realtor will always be able to agree even with the most capricious and superstitious client.
Cardinal points, cats and the proximity of the cemetery
Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: a respectable client in an expensive suit is to inspect the apartment with a frame of twigs or a compass. For why? To determine which side of the world the bedroom is located, and in which – the kitchen, because it is very important for the teaching of Feng Shui! A frame will help determine if the apartment has an abnormal zone …
One lady, director of a large firm, happily signed documents on the purchase of a new comfortable apartment. And a month later it became to call a realtor and complain that she is haunted by a brownie … What it was a breakdown, superstition, or, in fact, woman experienced exposure to unknown force?
A photo from open sources
She, almost crying, claimed that the brownie was noisy at night on the kitchen, drops the pots, shuffles and sighs in the bedroom. In the end of course, a realtor, rummaging through the Internet, half in jest, half seriously advised the lady to “appease” the restless brownie sweets. And she did it! All extraneous sounds disappeared, the lady began to live quietly in a new apartment.
Few people agree to live close to the cemetery, claiming that negative energy is coming from the burial place. Given that in large cities, most of the houses built on site Former cemeteries, it’s hard for such customers to find the right one an object…
Some, coming to inspect the apartment, take a cat with them. The animal is the first to cross the threshold, and potential buyers closely monitor: how will it behave? Calm and serene? You can buy! Will start to get nervous and meow? In no case – there are probably ghosts or other anomalies in the house!
But how is it abroad?
If we often laugh at such superstitions (to myself, of course), then in many other countries they are very Seriously.
For example, in America it is rarely possible to meet the 13th apartment and even 13th floor: in violation of all mathematical laws, behind the number 12 goes immediately 14. So developers are trying to please the tenants. Can this tricky move makes sense: it has been proven that apartments in Russia on the 13th floor they sell worse than even on the first and last floors.
And in Europe, this trend is quite common: even in many hotels there are no 13 rooms and the 13th floor is skipped. The same applies to the unlucky six.
Realtor Experience Miracles
To persuade a superstitious client is a matter of honor for the present a professional. Although many realtors themselves are not alien to some superstitions. For example, they know for sure that some apartments are in an “unlucky” place, otherwise why deals with them are always break down?
One woman who introduced herself as a psychic, barely stepping over the threshold of the apartment, she immediately said: “I won’t buy it! It died here, as at least ten people, bad energy. “Not confused the realtor instantly replied: “And what do you want, the old house, in mostly pensioners, of course, managed to live here several generations. ”
Perhaps other anomalies are just as easily explained. The main thing – Do not get hung up on “unusual” manifestations, but try to find them materialistic explanation.
Cat Time Russia