Photo from open sources
Residents of Anturu village in the Indian state of Karnataka ended up scared of death when they found it in their populated area paragraph chain of huge traces left clearly not by man. Any animal known to science also could not leave on such paw prints on the ground. The day before, many villagers heard outside terrible panting and were forced to hide in their homes, крепко заперев двери.Фотоfrom open sources
At dawn, the Indians were shocked when they discovered close about thirty huge traces of their dwellings. Unknown creature according to local residents, had a pitch of at least one meter. Many believe that it was an alien or a legendary snow human. Information about what happened immediately scattered around villages, and hundreds of curious people went to Anthur, for several hours wiped from the ground almost all the prints of the alleged alien or yeti. This is very upset researchers supernatural phenomena – when they got here because it became simply impossible to classify traces. Nonetheless, experts confirmed that the prints really belong large creatures.
The villagers are extremely worried and fear that the “alien” may to return. Women and children refuse to leave their homes, and men are thinking about how to fight back a potentially dangerous creature, if she returns to the village again. Police officers and staff forestry department promised to increase in the area number of patrols. “We’ll try to determine whose footprints it is, and to protect the population from an uninvited guest, “said one of the local ranger who does not believe in any aliens and yeti, however he is troubled by an unknown beast that has appeared in the village.