Photos from open sources In The documentary project “CIA: Undercover” experiments “tells about the terrible things that the military do in order to succeed in the arms race and make your power leader in the world.
Human life in this case becomes penny. Suffice it to recall the dropped atomic bombs on peaceful Japanese Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities. But the US military turns out to be carried out something similar not only over other nations, but also over by your own. For example, from 1945 to 1965 exposure almost all of the radiation from atomic bombs was experimentally half a million US troops, while American soldiers even didn’t know at that time how dangerous it was for their health – they were told the opposite.
A photo from open sources
But experiments on the psyche became even more terrible man in order to create an absolute weapon – psychotropic, allowing you to destroy the enemy without a single shot. In August 1951 U.S. military tests the strongest hallucinogen ergatin on residents of the French city of Pont-Saint-Esprit. Its inhabitants suddenly started go crazy, throw out the windows, many did not sleep after that for three weeks, some said that they saw everywhere fire, and in their stomach as if a ball of snakes started. From all this is not no medications helped, it was no coincidence that the doctors called that period Apocalypse night. It was terrible. And all just because people ate locally made bread in which for the experiment was Ergatin is mixed.
As journalist Hank Albarelli says, it’s hard to even believe in that the government can conduct similar experiments with own people. But in reality it turns out to be scary the truth. That is, those who publicly condemned fascism and judged the Nazi criminals, in fact acted in exactly the same way, and not only with a stranger, and even his own people …