Photo from open sources
From time immemorial, a man has been tormented by the question of why he was given life, what happens to his mind after death, and does he has a soul that is immortal.
What is a soul?
Today, even scientists have recognized the indisputable fact that man is the soul. And this was confirmed not only by study numerous clinical deaths resulting in humans experiencing an amazing experience of separating his consciousness from the body. American scientists even measured the soul by weighing a person before and after death – the weight of this invisible substance ranged from nine to twenty grams.
You can, of course, turn to religious knowledge, which is always paid the main attention to the soul of man. But here, not everything is clear as different religious movements interpret differently the afterlife of man. For example, in Christianity, the soul after death is sent to an eternal settlement in hell or paradise (depending from the righteousness of life on Earth). But according to the Hindu tradition the soul is reborn into another body. For example, under hypnosis, a person easily recalls his past lives. According to the American Hypnotist Helen Billings, her patients are able to hypnotic regressions tell that in past lives were not even earthlings, but inhabitants of other planets with a more perfect civilization, where there is no war, no violence, no self-interest, no money, and The main purpose of the humanoid is to bring joy to others like yourself.
It turns out that for the soul there are neither temporal nor spatial limits, and therefore all our earthly ideas about life and death, both scientific and religious, are very limited. They are created only for the earthly, very primitive, consciousness, and therefore not can claim any truth.
A photo from open sources
Is the earth a prison?
And yet, why do our souls come to Earth, come practically to suffer and suffer here? Are those who are right calls our planet a prison where guilty souls go for re-education? If so, then why is this “prison” so surprisingly beautiful if not for the “prisoners” inhabiting her, turning this natural paradise into civilized hell.
Most surprisingly, most of these “prisoners” (especially from among those in power) do not believe not only that they serving time on Earth, and even in the immortality of man, and therefore doing such outrages here that, most likely, their souls after deaths will go to worlds far more terrible than the Earth …
The proposed documentary “Get Out To Stay” is Just talks about where our souls go after death, and is it possible to fix something beyond that line, if in this life you done many unrighteous deeds …
A life