Humanity gradually reveals the innermost secrets

Humanity is gradually revealing hidden secretsPhoto from open sources

In the documentary below, several questions regarding the origin of modern human influence on the formation of his previous civilizations, for example, for residents of Russia – Hyperboreans, aliens, as well as representatives of parallel worlds.

At the same time, disasters that change the face of the planet and erase it the whole people and even civilizations, the authors argue, are regular process of the Earth’s development. Because our planet itself is yourself – a living organism that has a mind, much superior to human, the cataclysms arranged by him have no destructive, but evolutionary in nature.

A photo from open sources

Note that intelligent life on Earth survived and made its way onto light, in spite of any global catastrophes. Here and now humanity is facing a new Apocalypse, however, as say almost all the great prophets, this is not the end of the world, but only the rebirth of civilization.

From past civilizations we have not only certain knowledge, but also evidence of how to replace some peoples others come, leaving behind only memories in the form myths. For example, the Amazons are far from the legend of the ancient Greeks, but an echo of real events as these women warriors came to a renewed world from the fallen Atlantis.

A photo from open sources

And finally, the Earth hides from us many legendary, so of attractive Eden Gardens, the most amazing and fantastic of which can be called an underground paradise, the road to which in our time only Tibetan monks know.

About these and many other interesting secrets of history and riddles natures that gradually open to humanity and look documentary project, which, on the one hand, can be called collecting hypotheses and legends, and on the other – a challenge to ignorance modern orthodox scholars still not willing abandon, say, Darwin’s erroneous theory.

A photo from open sources

By the way, Darwin’s theory of natural selection in nature was only plagiarized, since this principle is two decades earlier outlined in his book a gardener from Scotland by Patrick Matthew, and Charles Darwin, along with his co-author Alfred Wallace, is simply not may not have known about it, although later they claimed that they were not familiar with the work of a gardener. To the University of Nottingham Trenton Mike Sutton, an expert in criminology, took years to prove that Darwin is based on the document lied because he knew perfectly well about the theory of natural selection Patrick Matthew, a theory that, unlike Darwinism, was more accurate and scientific.


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