Hunza is the most healthy and long-lived people in the world

Hunza - the most healthy and long-lived people in the worldPhoto from open sources

Which of us does not want to live long and not be sick? Question, rhetorical, of course. However, it is believed that to live eighty-ninety years at the frantic pace of our lives – this an excellent result, granted, alas, not to everyone. And yet there is one people on earth who are unaware of disease and who lives at least 1.5 times longer than us.

A photo from open sources

Hunza tribe lives on the border of India and Pakistan, in a valley rivers of the same name – Hunza. These people are called differently the word “burishi”.

It is well known that there are places on earth where there are many centenarians. These are usually highland areas. Hunza also live on highlands, which possibly affects their life expectancy: the average age of these people is 120 years, and some of them survive up to 160! Not only that, the burishki never get sick, to a deep all teeth retain their old age, they are very vigorous and look young (at that while the peoples living in their neighborhood cannot boast by this). Another feature of the people of this tribe is that outwardly they are more reminiscent of fair-skinned Europeans than Pakistanis and Indians.

A photo from open sources

What is the secret of health and the amazing longevity of the hunza? how they say themselves, all that is needed is to maintain a healthy lifestyle life, be sure to eat right, temper your body and have positive thinking.

It would seem that nothing supernatural, we also know these elementary rules and try to follow them, but similar Unfortunately, we do not achieve an effect. Maybe there is something What are the Burishians silent about? What kind of lifestyle do they lead?

Hunza Secrets

These are very agile people who, until their most advanced years retain their activity and participate in national games. Perhaps that’s why they don’t know overweight problems: everything drills are slender, easy to lift and look much younger than their own years. In fifteen degrees of frost, these people enjoy swimming in the open air. And another wonderful fact: women give birth here children under seventy years of age and older!

A photo from open sources

Apparently, nutritional characteristics are the determining factor. hunza: they practically do not consume meat and alcohol, their usual food – vegetables, fruits, as well as feta cheese and sprouted wheat. In summer buriches harvest for future use apricots – your favorite fruit, which subsequently very rescues them. And it’s especially important that the hunza never Do not cook food on fire and eat it only raw.

Spring – the so-called the hungry season for the whole tribe. Around four months, burisha hardly eat and only drink apricot compote. Moreover, such a kind of post here is respected by everyone, regardless from age. Hunza salt is almost never used: it is consumed in very small quantities.

A photo from open sources

Of course, scientists have repeatedly tried to find out the reason for this. Hunza’s outstanding longevity and good health even the scourge of our time is cancer! By the way, the peoples neighboring them suffer from oncology as much as we do. There are many skeptics, who do not believe in the Hunza phenomenon, but the facts, as they say, is a thing stubborn. In fact, a case was recorded when one of those arrived in Europe places a man at the age of 160 who was in solid memory and sane, had a mouthful of teeth and looked no older modern retired pensioner in 70 years. Is not it, impressive?

Maybe we should take advantage of precious experience. Hunza tribe and begin the path to a long life without any medicine and doctors? ..

Time Life Health Fruit

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