Is the earth a living being? Sounds like a fantasy! But last time, this idea has more and more supporters, including among scientists. Maybe there really is something in it? WE HAVE UNDER FEET – SOME HUGE AND LIVING … The hypothesis about living Earth was developed back in the 80s in the USSR, however, behind the scenes. It began with a field expedition led by Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences I. Yanitsky, discovered amazing phenomenon: exit from cracks in the areas of earth faults the cortex of deep gas helium several times a day increased sharply and fell just as abruptly, as if there, in the bowels of the earth, breathed huge living creature. Photo from open sources Then, in the 1980s, doctor geological and mineralogical sciences V. Makarov, studying specifically processed satellite images of fault zones of the earth’s crust, revealed evidence of periodic fluctuations in intensity on them magnetic field during the day and months, which in general consistent with the discovery of I. Yanitsky. Explanation of these phenomena suggested a leading researcher at the Institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN) Professor V. Lugovenko. In his opinion, the Earth “breathes” through cracks in the zones faults and “pumps” cosmic energy through its bowels, like some kind of living organism. The idea of a living Earth supported famous scientist, doctor of philosophical sciences G. Kuznetsov. “The definition of a living organism that is now widespread in science built on a purely human psychology, ”he wrote. – Of all forms of organized matter to living include only those properties which are similar to the properties of animals and people. Forms are essentially different from animals in size, life expectancy, the amount of energy consumed, the rate of metabolic processes, etc. official science to living and especially to rational matter is not ranked. Such “human-centrism” has led science to a standstill – and to attitude to the planet, and in the knowledge of the laws of nature. ” a breakthrough in the study of the Earth as a single living organism English scientists Hartman and Curry, discovering the surface of the planet the so-called energy grid, which was subsequently named by their name.
Hartman and Curry Open Source Photo Measuring electromagnetic indicators in geometrically located zones – “cells”, found that these cells “open” and “close” in depending on various cosmic factors, in particular the location of the moon and planets. They also proposed a version that, thanks to this grid living intelligent Earth emits and receives certain signals – “talking” with other planets, which are also alive and intelligent. Hartman and Curry at first believed that the grid covers only selected areas of the earth’s surface, but the latter studies have shown that the entire surface of our planet represents a continuous energy network, being, in fact, single receiving and transmitting device. LAND DOESN’T LIKE THE ACTIVITY OF PEOPLE Here is what one of the modern scientists writes, Professor Sidney Jackson (UK): “In the world around us not only living people have their own energy-informational field organisms, but in general any objects – be it a stone, a chair or shard of the bottle. But the whole thing is that the energy information field intelligent creature is fundamentally different from the same fields inanimate objects. … The energy-information field of the first type (soul. – I. V.) have only three types of all known us creatures. This is a man, a dolphin and Earth. Indeed, a planet which is our cradle, not just a ball consisting of metals, minerals, water and organic substances. She is intelligent being, part of a great ecumenical community. Only by this fact can explain mysterious signals that are on very subtle energy level periodically go from the Earth to the depths of space. It is clear that the planet itself “sends” them … We do not know what kind information is contained in these peculiar informational “premises”. Perhaps this is the usual “exchange of opinions” … ”
Photos from open sources According to many researchers, the subtle body or soul of the Earth is its noosphere. Just like how in the subtle body of a person is concluded his rational essence, including everything spiritual that he has accumulated over his life, and in the noosphere all the information accumulated by the living Earth over hundreds million years of its existence. Moreover, accumulated not only by her itself, but also by people, because their subtle bodies are invisible constantly connected to the noosphere. Some experts believe that in forever every thought, every word of all people who have ever lived on Earth. But that means the earth is not just knows about the existence of people – she knows every person! With his enormous spiritual body extending far into space, she embraces us all. The subtle body of the planet and the subtle bodies of people have one nature. And this means that a person, at least on subconscious level, quite capable of communicating with the Earth, because the human subconscious and the subconscious planets must be general functions, laws of work, information languages. Capable of communicate with people and the earth. She does it, and, apparently, quite active. This happens in the form of information exchange between noosphere and subtle bodies of people. On an emotional state planets reflected space disasters occurring beyond billions of kilometers from her. Through the noosphere, these disasters affect people, causing changes in their energy, emotional sphere, health. On the state of the planet are reflected and events in the world of people. Social, political and national Conflicts cause tension in the noosphere and in the physical body of the Earth. Scientists have already noticed the fact that the largest number of storms, earthquakes and all kinds of climatic “surprises” presented to us precisely in the most socially and politically disadvantaged regions. Earth feels human malice and hatred, and reacts to them in their own way.
Photo from open sources If you believe scientists who monitor the state of the planet, it, especially in recent years, serves people unambiguous signals about your dissatisfaction with their activities. “When an increase in the number of humanity in excess of permissible norms, in case of poisoning by vital products of civilization parts of the planet, its atmosphere, hydrosphere or destruction vegetation, the Earth begins to “clear” of dangerous for it creatures, says Professor G. Kuznetsov. – As a rule, she does this through natural disasters. Not so long ago in her the arsenal was a tool akin to our psychotronic weapon: she introduced into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to war. Now that people have nuclear weapons, capable of fatal consequences not only for human community, but for the planet itself, she chose another tactic. It cleanses of bred humans by deadly viruses … “MAN IS THE EARTH IN MINIATURE Thanks to its transmitting and receiving device – the grid Hartman-Kerry, the Earth constantly, every second, exchanges information with near and far intelligent space objects. Perhaps this exchange is one of the principles of its existence in the great ecumenical community to which it belongs. We are not neither the meaning of information, nor the structure of the universal community is known. Most likely, the community is a single energy-information continuum, the “intelligent Universe” in which not only intelligent planets coexist on an equal footing, but also other reasonable entities. The main condition for “membership” in the community is possession of the soul, or “energy-information field of the first type” (according to expression of S. Jackson). If so, then into the ecumenical community souls of people are also infused when they are freed from their physical shell. The response signals that sent sentient Earth planets affect people, or rather, on their subtle bodies. Aura, the energy-informational field of a person sufficiently protects him from exposure to these signals, but not at all periods of his life. It is believed that when a nascent person is in the mother the womb, its aura, the subtle body, is still weak and may be affected external influences, although it is protected by the aura of the mother. When man comes out of the mother’s womb, his spiritual body on short time loses all protection. In these moments it undergoes a radical restructuring, turning into the present holistic astral formation, ready to perceive the world. But in the same time it is affected by the signals sent Earth intelligent heavenly objects. This effect is very substantial. It “binds” the subtle body of a given person to energy-informational signals from planets that have had it impact during its birth, and this is further affects his fate. People have noticed this in the deep antiquities. Message signals from intelligent celestial bodies may fade and amplify, change the frequency and intensity. Nature of the signals may depend on the location of the celestial bodies sending them relative to the earth. The combination of all these factors matters. for a person and by him important events of his can be foreseen of life. The ancient sages, having discovered that the nature and fate of man depend on the location of stars and planets precisely during its birth, explained this dependence by certain “forces” and “fluids”. How did they know that people are affected not by “strength”, but energy-informational radiation, which is literally permeated intelligent universe. It is possible that sometime in the future a person will learn to receive these signals, and not with devices, but with your being, as the earth does. Information he receive, accelerate its development much faster than any scientific and technological progress. A man in miniature repeats the Earth. The example of “sun eaters” shows that people are also able to eat only the energy of the Sun, as the Earth does. Human due to its tone to the body, it can show abilities that official science has not yet found an explanation. This is clairvoyance telepathy, levitation, with the building of ghosts and doubles, communication with the other world and much more. But it’s capable of the same thing. Earth, and on a much larger scale. Ghosts, ghosts mysterious lights, poltergeists, UFOs, angels, aliens, prophetic dreams and a huge number of all kinds of phenomena in the same way, astonishing people, generated by the noosphere and sent to us for our spiritual development. Man at the end of his earthly life gets rid of the physical body and in the form of the spirit goes into other worlds. In billions of years, the Earth will be rid of its flesh and in the form of noospheres – of pure spirit – will rush there too. Reasonable version Earth is just a version. She will be interested in someone, someone call her crazy. But in any, even incredible idea, there is a grain truths. We still know too little about the world and forget sometimes that nature is inexhaustible and capable of the most unexpected surprises. Igor V0L03NEV “Anomalous News” 2014
Time Universe Earthquake Life