A photo from open sources The strongest volcanic explosion.
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The strongest volcanic explosion in history (possibly since Santorin volcanic eruptions in the Aegean Sea, 95 km north of Crete, around 1628 BC) occurred on August 27, 1883 at 10 a.m. in the morning local time during the eruption of the volcano Krakatau in Sunda the strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra, Indonesia. Summoned by him a tidal wave washed away 163 villages, resulting in the death of 36,380 human. Pieces of hot lava were thrown into the air to a height of 55 km, and the wind-blown volcanic ash fell after 10 days 5330 km from the eruption site. After 4 hours, the volcanic explosion was registered on about. Rodriguez, 4776 km from Krakatau. Its roar was heard in 8% of the globe. And yet this explosion about 26 times superior in strength to the most powerful hydrogen the bomb tested in the USSR was 3 times weaker than during Santorini volcano eruptions.
The most powerful eruption.
The total volume of lava and ash during the eruption of Tambora volcano on about. Sumbawa, Indonesia, April 5-10, 1815 amounted to 150-180 km3. For comparison: Santorin volcano threw about 60-65 km3 of rock, Krakatau volcano – 20 km3. Tambora eruption energy resulting whose island height decreased from 4,100 to 2,850 m (i.e., at 1250 m), equal to 8.4×1019 J. ”
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The most powerful of all documented volcanic eruptions occurred in New Zealand around 130 AD According to scientists, Taupo volcano threw 30 billion tons of rock. The speed of its eruption reached 700 km / h. She covered territory in 16,000 km2 less than 20% of 14×109 tons of rock fell within a radius of 200 km from crater.
The longest lava flow.
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The longest lava flow interspersed with it spindle-shaped lava clots spilled during the eruption Laki volcano in southeastern Iceland in 1783. Incandescent mass spread over a distance of 65-70 km.
The most active active volcano.
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Kilauz volcano in Hawaii, USA, spewing 5 m3 every second lava.
The largest active volcano.
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The dome of the volcano Mauna Loa in Hawaii has a height of 4170m, 120 km in length and 50 km wide. Its volume is 42,500 km3, with 84.2% of them accounts for the underwater part of the volcano. Crater called Mokuveoveo with an area of 10.5 km2 goes into the depths of the mountain at 150-180 m. 1843 to 1984, Mauna Loa erupted on average once every 4.5 years.
The snowy peak of the “sleeping” volcano Aconcagua, located high in the Andes in Argentina, rises to a height of 6690 m
The highest active volcano.
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Volcano Ojos del Salado (having fumaroles) located on the border of Argentina and Chile, has a height of 6887 m.
The highest temperature in fumaroles.
In fumaroles (exit of hot volcanic gases and vapors from cracks and channels of the crater of the volcano) of the Katiai volcano in Alaska, USA, in In 1912, a temperature of 645 ° C was recorded.
The most northern volcano.
The northernmost volcano – Berenberg – is located on about. Jan Mayen (71’05 ‘N) in the Greenland Sea. During the last eruption September 20, 1970 39 inhabitants of the island – whalers – had evacuate. Seamount Ostenzo, located only 556 km from the North Pole (85’10’N and 133’W), was once active volcano.
The southernmost volcano.
The southernmost known active volcano is Mount Erebus. (3794 m) – located on about. Ross (77Sh35’yu.Sh.) In Antarctica.
The largest crater.
The largest caldera (wide and flat volcanic crater) near the volcano Toba in the north central often about. Sumatra, Indonesia (area 1775 km2).
The youngest volcanic island.
The world’s newest and still nameless island is included in the group. Haapai Islands, Tonga. His birthday can be considered June 6, 1995 d. when signs of underwater were first observed on the surface volcanic activity, which led to the formation of a new plot of land. It is located between the islands of Khao and Lage and occupies the territory of 5 hectares; the highest point of the island is on 40 m high
A scale is usually used to measure earthquake strength. Richter (its main indicator is designated Ms). And for measuring the strength of major earthquakes when Ms; exceeds 8, Kanamori scale was developed.
The deepest hypocenters.
The maximum depth of the hypocenters (i.e., the foci where the origin of earthquake), equal to 720 km, was recorded in Indonesia in 1933, 1934 and 1943
The most powerful earthquake on the Kanamori scale. May 22, 1960 in Chile largest earthquake hit 9.5 on a scale Kanamori (magnitude 8.5 on the Richter scale). 1950 in Indian PCS. Assam earthquake so strong that everything seismographs went wild. Its magnitude was estimated to be 9 by Richter scale.
Geysers – The highest.
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Geyser Waimanga (“black water” in the Maori language) in New Zealand in 1903, every 30-36 hours a stream of boiling water was thrown over 460 high m. In August 1903, during one of the strongest emissions died 4 people, but at the end of 1904 the geyser dried up, and since then emissions were not renewed. The highest active geyser called steamboat is located in Yellowstone National park, pcs Wyoming, USA In the 80s, the minimum interval between its eruptions were 19 days, and the maximum – more than 4 years. IN The 60s were periods when Steamboat erupted every 4-10 days. The maximum height of the geyser is from 60 to 115m. ”
Geysers – The largest recorded release of water. Most a large recorded water discharge (28 000-38 000 hl) was noted at the Giant Geyser in Yellowstone National Park. However it should be noted that these calculations made in the 50s were very inaccurate.
The widest boiling river.
Water consumption in cascades of boiling water, beating from hot springs in Deidartunguvere north of Reykjavik, Iceland, is 225 L per second.
July 9, 1958 a huge landslide caused a wave of record height (524 m), which at a speed of 160 km / h swept along a narrow fjord-like Litua Bay in Alaska, USA. The tallest the tsunami caused by the shift of the seabed, collapsed on about. Lanai in Hawaii about 105,000 years ago. From her left sedimentary rocks at an altitude of about 375 m. The highest tsunami, caused by an earthquake, appeared on April 24, 1771 at about, Ishigaki, which is part of the Ryukyu archipelago, Japan, having volcanic origin. This wave, whose height could reach 85 m, eversed a huge 750-ton coral reef chip and threw it its more than 2.5 km.
The most powerful snow avalanches, although rarely observed, formed in the Himalayas, but published data on their volume are absent. Snow avalanche descends in the Italian Alps in 1885 volume of 3.5 million m3. Avalanche caused by volcanic eruption St. Helens Washington, USA, May 18, 1980, scampering down a hill at a speed of 400 km / h, and its volume was 2.8 billion m.
Water Time Volcanoes Earthquakes Iceland Unusual records Islands US records