In America, a giant flower bloomed with smelly flowers

A giant flower with stinky flowers bloomed in America.A photo from open sources

Amorphophallus titanic is the largest smelly flower in the world. It grows in tropical and subtropical botanical gardens of South Africa, China, Madagascar, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Australia and many others states of the planet. The inflorescence of this amazing plant reaches three meters in diameter and three and a half meters in height, and weight flower may exceed a centner. However, the fame of amorphophallus not only due to this.

During flowering, the plant begins to exude incredibly disgusting smell, similar at the same time to the stench of rotten meat, rotten fish and missing eggs. Just such an “aromatic bouquet” attracts numerous pollinating insects to amorphophallus. Flowering usually begins at midnight. The appendage warms up to temperatures of forty degrees, emitting a stinky smell that various flies and flies fly together.

Penetrating into the lower part of the flower, they are captured. Amorphophallus, however, is not a predatory plant, therefore lets insects go free already the next evening. However for the whole this night and for the whole next day the plant turns into real golden cage. Staying in a chamber with unripe with pestles and stamens, flies have access to delicious nectar. They are protected from predators, and besides, the inside is very warm and dry. Flower bristles soon fade, and pollen-stained insects fly away, climbing into dustless inflorescences of other ears.

Giant smelly flower broke all deadlines

Texas State has Moody Botanical Garden Gardens “, where one of the most famous amorphophallus grows in the world. It is noteworthy that the plant blooms extremely rarely, once a twenty to one hundred years, that’s why its current bloom is significant event. There is another surprising reason: this time an exotic giant bloomed just four years after his previous “birth”. And during four days, while it lasted this unusual fertilization, a few botanical gardens visited hundreds of thousands of Americans and tourists from other countries attracted such a “pleasant smell” of a unique plant.

A photo from open sources

Despite all the beauty of a flower, not every person withstand his stench. Visitors to Moody Gardens are advised not to Eat up before a visit and give out vomit packs just in case. Some individuals prefer not to trifle and come here in gas masks.

In the natural environment, this stinky flower (amorphophallus titanic) is rare today and exclusively on the Indonesian island of Sumatra where locals call it “cadaveric flower”, “voodoo lily”, “snake palm” and others not the most friendly names, however, do not touch the plant, since its felling is punishable by a large fine. In other amorphophallus in the wild has long been destroyed, and there is unusual the plant can only be found in botanical gardens.

Insect plants

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