In America they want to build skyscraper tornado

In America they want to build a tornado skyscraperPhoto from open source architects from american oklahoma was an interesting project was developed to build a new skyscraper in Tulsa is the second largest city in the state. About it reporters of the British tabloid “Daily Mail”.

Not so long ago, a competition among architects was announced in Oklahoma. Famous designers were invited to come up with building concepts, which can be built on the site of an abandoned parking lot. Project under titled “Tornado Tower” caused the greatest discussion.

The authors of the development are specialists of an architectural company “Kinslow, Keith and Todd.” They came up with a transparent tower in the form of spiral, tightly twisting from the bottom and gradually expanding to on top. Thus, the potential construction justifies its name – it really looks like an atmospheric whirlwind. Tower can have from two to three dozen floors and serve the city meteorological center or weather museum. Upstairs you can build a revolving restaurant.

If local authorities support the idea, the authors propose equip the building with backlight from light-emitting diodes. Running the light will give the impression that the vortex is really spinning.

Two city councilors have already approved the venture with a tornado skyscraper and suggested that it’s necessary there are investors who want to invest in the project. Nonetheless, there were officials who said that the building in the form it is dangerous to build an inverted truncated cone, especially if take into account the fact that america in recent years often subjected to earthquakes.

The idea of ​​building unusual skyscrapers is not so new, look what are the tallest skyscrapers in the world.

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