In Brazil, a 44-year-old woman carried dead baby

In Brazil, a 44-year-old woman carried a dead baby within herself.A photo from open sources

In the womb of an 84-year-old Brazilian woman discovered a petrified fetus 44 years old. This happened when due to unbearable abdominal pain woman consulted a doctor who made her X-ray In the picture they saw a petrified embryo. This phenomenon received in medical use the name lithopedion. Lithopedion – a petrified uterine fetus that has died in the uterus or abdominal cavity, which then underwent calcification. It’s rare a phenomenon that occurs mainly when the fetus dies during ectopic pregnancy. Since there is no natural way to get rid of such a fetus, the body exposes it calcifications to prevent decaying fetal tissue from harming the body of the carrier. The doctors who examined the woman concluded that the fetus died at the 28th week of pregnancy. Nonetheless from surgery the patient refused to remove it. Moroccan case This phenomenon is very rare, so cases of its occurrence are usually recorded by historians. This one is described in 2012. Resident a small village located in the vicinity of Casablanca, Morocco, mother of three children Zahra Abutalib for the last time became pregnant at the age of 26. Nine months of gestation the fetus passed without complications. However, in the hospital she became a witness the death of a hospital roommate, a young mother who died on the operating table as a result of cesarean section. Not managed to save her child. Afraid that such a fate may expect her, impressionable Zahra, collecting things, ran away from hospitals, deciding to give birth at home. Over the next few days she suffered terribly from birth pains, however the long-awaited the child never came into the world. He soon stopped altogether move in the womb, and the woman decided that the baby “fell asleep.” Zahra well remembered the local myth of the “sleeping baby.” Allegedly if not give birth to him, then he will defend the honor of his mother all his life. Therefore not especially worried about her condition, especially since contractions no longer repeated. This went on for forty-six years, until recently, already at the age of 75, the pain did not suddenly return. Zahra turned to doctors. Ultrasound examination in a city hospital Rabat showed the presence of a foreign woman in the abdomen bodies, the origin of which doctors could not explain. It was conducted a more thorough examination of the body, according to the results which experts concluded that the solid mass in the body Zahra is nothing but a petrified fruit that a woman’s body miraculously mistaken for an organ and therefore for a long time not perceived as a foreign body. The operation lasted four hours. In the end, a team of doctors led by Dr. Taibi Kuazzani managed to extract from the woman’s body a fetus weighing a little more than two kilograms and having a length of 42 centimeters. So, after almost half a century, Zahra’s baby was finally born. Photo from open sources Lithopedion is formed in the body of a woman in case of fetal death, usually after an ectopic pregnancy, although there are cases of its formation in the uterus. The mother’s body perceives the dead child as a foreign body, and as a result of a protective reaction, the fetus is mummified. First a detailed description of such a case dates back to 1582, when a certain French doctor at autopsy of a 68-year-old woman discovered petrified fruit that remained in the womb of the mother for 40 years. Life-long pregnancy According to medical statistics, “stone children” can remain inside a person as long as long. And 46 years is by no means the limit. So, in January 2009 in a hospital in the Chinese city of Huangiaotang turned 92-year-old local resident Huang Yuijun, who complained of very severe pain in the stomach. What was the surprise of the doctors when they found out that an elderly woman … pregnant! Moreover, pregnant for a long time – 60 years! Her amazing story, according to The Sun, has begun back in 1948. Then the doctors told Huang that the fetus had died before birth in her womb. To remove it, an operation was needed, for which doctors requested an amount in local currency equivalent to 150 dollars. Hearing the prices, Huang simply turned around and left. “It there was a lot of money at the time, the woman says, more than all members of my family earned in a few years. That’s why I am I didn’t do anything, deciding to ignore the medical diagnosis. ” “Ignoring” continued for several decades until the deceased in the womb, the child did not remind himself again. “I could not believe my to his own eyes when he discovered that in the womb Yuijun is a child, ”says Dr. Liu An Bin from Gwingsheng Hospital. – Behind my 40 years of practice as a medical practitioner is nothing more I haven’t seen anything strange or surprising. ” Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Xu Xiang Ming adds: “Usually a dead fetus breaks up inside. But in this case we are dealing with a rare event. It’s still not clear how Ms. Yuijun remained all this time in good health. “More questions causes the longest for today in the history of medicine the pregnancy of 93-year-old Lisbon resident Maria Romandes, who went to the hospital in 1996, complaining of severe pain in the stomach. What was the surprise of the doctors when they found out that an elderly woman is pregnant with two mummified fetuses 72 of the year! Grandmother recalls that in 1924 she became ill, her sick, she was gaining weight. At the same time, a stop was observed menstrual cycle. The woman realized that she had some kind of problem on the female side, but since I didn’t feel especially severe pains, I didn’t go to the doctor either. After a while, nausea passed, and Maria did not complain about her health until the spring of 1996 of the year. Having ascertained the cause of the “disease”, doctors immediately had surgery and removed two well-preserved numbed the twins. Experts believe they died of failure nutrition. Lack of nutrition has become the reason that the body of Maria Romandes did not throw them in due time.

Life time

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