A photo from open sources Brazilian authorities completed an investigation a high-profile case of the death of two hunters in the south-west of the country. Police came to the conclusion that men were killed by giant anteaters, growth which exceeds two meters. It is known that due to the sharp claws of these insectivorous even jaguars hesitate to contact them, reports scientific journal Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. Giant anteaters live in the region where the incident occurred. Despite that these animals feed on insects and sometimes eat fruits palm trees, they can be quite dangerous. Their long claws anteaters are able to give a good rebuff to predators. The latter fear these giants even despite the fact that they have there are no teeth, but anteaters see and hear extremely badly. Recently on local sites reported the deaths of two elderly farmers, who often went hunting in the jungle. “Men were attacked by the wounded or cornered animals. Similar incidents occur extremely seldom. Unfortunately, anteaters are ready to stand to their death territory, “wrote Wilderness and Environmental Medicine Vidal Haddad. One farmer attacked an animal with a knife, but it repulsed the attack with its paws and seriously injured the person. The hunter died on the spot from blood loss. A few days later the victim The aggressive anteater became a 75-year-old ranger. The animal caused him several stab wounds in the hips. Experts advise not in by no means engage in close combat with anteaters. “It’s better hide in cover and open fire on them from a gun “, – advise experts.