In Brazil, they caught almost a ten-meter anaconda

In Brazil, they caught almost a ten-meter anacondaPhoto from open sources

This real anaconda will be worse and much more dangerous than the one what is shown in the movie of the same name. Snake length reported reporters, reaches ten meters, thickness – meters, and weight – four hundred kilograms.

Such a huge snake was accidentally discovered in one of the caves Altamira in Brazil when workers during the construction of a dam Belo Monti in the state of Para exploded one of the mountain passages. Exactly this terrible anaconda was hiding there.

A photo from open sources

It is not known what happened to her after she was not fortunate enough to be discovered, however, judging by the numerous the photographs that the workers took against the backdrop of this giant snake, before they measured and weighed it, they first killed her. A sorry, because today it is the largest instance of anaconda, which, perhaps, will never catch the eye of man.

Despite the fact that the video can be perfectly seen a giant snake, there were skeptics who did not believe in her fantastically sized, suspecting the author of the video in editing or special shooting from a certain angle, so visually easy to enlarge any item, including anaconda.


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