In Canada, a married couple took a walk in the forest a video camera of a creature of an unusual appearance similar to elusive bigfoot. Alleged mysterious yeti, whose existence is not proven, the couple saw standing on a mountain in forests near the city of Mission in British Columbia.
In a video posted on YouTube on July 24th, ape-like thick-haired creature tall for about 20 seconds, after which it hides in the thickets. Verification of the authenticity of the video, of course, no.
A photo from open sources
As in all previous cases of probable snow human, the image is blurry, and the movement of the “yeti” filmed on such long distance that it is impossible to consider it in detail. Since since the video was posted on YouTube, it was watched by more than 250 thousand times. At the same time, it is not clear exactly when the video was shot.
A photo from open sources
Thanks to these frames, fans of cryptozoology, which studies animals considered legendary or nonexistent, perhaps there was hope to finally discover evidence living yeti in the forests of North America.
According to people who believe in the existence of bigfoot, snowy a human being is a mammal similar to humanoid monkey. According to cryptozoologists, he lives in forests of the North Pacific North America. However eyewitnesses from time to time allegedly see others parts of the world.
It is usually described as a large hairy hominid, moving on two legs. Scientists believe Yeti is not exists, indicating as an argument that such a creature could not to survive secretly, as to maintain the population size need a large number of individuals.
According to the descriptions of the witnesses who allegedly saw the Bigfoot, he looks like a big humanoid monkey. His height is from 1.8 to 3 meters, the weight in appearance reaches 200 kilograms. The coat may be dark brown, dark red or gray. Animal leaves traces of large size, which is why it received the nickname big foot (“big foot”). According to cryptozoologists, Bigfoot leads a nocturnal lifestyle, which is why he is elusive.
Yeti Time