In China, a huge number of lights installed in village road to outwit officials

In China, a huge number of streetlights were installed on the village road to outwit officials.A photo from open sources

The Chinese village of Taojia in Shaanxi Province has become famous throughout the country after being wonderfully secured in it lighting a 3-kilometer stretch of road. Locals clearly overdo it by setting near the pavement on this small a segment of the path of more than a thousand lanterns.

Usually street lighting poles are located at a distance 40-50 meters apart, but here the distance between them is only a few meters, and in most places lanterns stand on both sides of the road. Interestingly, the cars are it’s very rare here. For example, journalists who recently filmed a report about the unusual pavement, and did not see passing through it transport. What is the reason for such an absurd situation?

A photo from open sources

As with many other questions, the answer is money. Add an extraordinary Chinese mentality here – and we will truly get a bizarre approach to solving a particular problem. It turns out that in 2016, Taoggia and nearby farms decided to demolish and land transfer to the authorities so that they expand the territory of international Xi’an Trade and Logistics Park. To locals homeless, in which case relies financial compensation from the government.

A photo from open sources

And so, to get a larger amount, the villagers began to personally install here hundreds of lights, for each of which they should ideally receive a thousand dollars. The situation, as you see, has reached the point of absurdity, because the Chinese, not knowing measures dotted with lanterns the entire curb. Noteworthy that half fixtures do not work, which is extra evidence the desire of the inhabitants of Taogia to outwit the officials.

It will be difficult to say whether the farmers will succeed or not. Reportedly that the resettlement process will begin in a few weeks, but for now government employees value personal and general property of the villagers, which will have to be destroyed by bulldozers. Many believe that the authorities do not peck at such a trick, and lamppost “madness” will be destroyed without any compensation: in vain the villagers just tried and spent your money …


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