In China, a striking underground cave

In China, discovered a striking underground cavePhoto from open sources

It may seem to many of us that on our planet for a long time explored every piece of sushi, but this is not so. Occasionally there are more and more new corners where no leg has gone before representatives of our civilization. And if a person has never been there happened, it’s easy to guess that these places are truly beautiful and boast of pristine nature, which on Earth getting smaller.

So, in the People’s Republic of China was recently discovered a real “lost world” that struck specialists with its the size and magnificence of lush vegetation. In the mountains of the province Hubei in the east of the central part of the country completely by accident discovered a deep underground cave with an area of ​​over one hundred hectares. By According to experts, this place was hidden from human eyes. decades or even centuries.

A photo from open sources

The depth of the amazing cavity in the earth’s crust is about two hundred and ninety meters. Until recently, near the entrance to the cave was a large dump. When local authorities decided to eliminate it and completely clear the territory of garbage, the Chinese have discovered a huge hole leading somewhere down. It turned out that there are vast green areas with grass underground, shrubs and even trees.

The authorities decided: not to let tourists into the cave!

The only entrance to the cave is a hole in the ground, therefore experts concluded that no one has been here for a long time time – it’s even possible, this place was always hidden from man. Researchers carefully examined a hole in the ground, then went down on the winch. According to the Chinese, the “lost world” is incredible is picturesque, and not a single photo is able to convey this beauty in fully.

A photo from open sources

Through a hole in the ground, sunlight enters the cave and rainwater. Experts have discovered below a hundred varieties various plants. In addition, numerous insects and even rodents. The cave has its own ecological a system that is virtually independent of biogeocenosis on surface. It has palm trees, flowers, several streams and thick creepers hanging from the walls.

A photo from open sources

According to provincial authorities, this paradise is necessary keep intact. Some officials suggested turn this place into a tourist attraction, however, this idea was immediately rejected because the local the government considered that tourists would not allow to save this beauty in all its integrity and pristine.

A photo from open sources

China Cave Time

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