In China, filmed a huge river monster

In China, filmed a huge river monsterPhoto from open sources

Amazing entry made on the World Wide Web recently in the People’s Republic of China. On this unique video, an unidentified large creature was reportedly captured rising to the surface from the depths of the local river. Video which, probably demonstrates an unknown beast to science that has broken through through the water column, immediately generated rumors of a terrible monster that lives in the watercourse.

The author of the entry below is one of the bathers, visited a few days ago the zhelin reservoir in the national Lushan Park. On the surface of the river flowing into the reservoir, seemed several large black stripes resembling a neck and head famous Loch Ness monster. The alleged monster did not show their body, however, eyewitnesses were already able to perfectly examine cryptid. The most agile Chinese immediately grabbed his mobile phone and began to shoot the creature. According to witnesses, for to the naked eye, the length of the water inhabitant ranged from seven to ten meters, no less.

In the urban area of ​​Jiujiang, where this river and reservoir are located next to her, they plan to arrange a hunt for the monster. When sensational over five million people watched the video online Chinese officials made an official statement ( apparently). Wildlife Government Officials nature, reported that this is not cryptids, but probably just large sturgeon escaping from the local fish farm “Luoping Sturgeon “. This farm is engaged in the cultivation of Chinese sturgeon about eight years, and during this time the fish, they say, have already grown to huge sizes.

However, even the largest individuals of this type of fish are rarely reach five meters in length, and the creature in the video clearly has much more impressive dimensions. Animal Bled by Bathers already called the “Chinese Loch Ness monster.” Can this monster to be a relic plesiosaur surviving to this day with Triassic or Cretaceous? Or is it a completely different underwater inhabitant – perhaps even supernatural origin, for example, that came to us from parallel reality? ..

China Cryptids Loch Ness Monster Monster Fish

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