Photos from open sources of
China has long been associated with dragons, at least legends about there are plenty of these fire-breathing monsters. Moreover, the Chinese they even believe that they are the ancestors of the extraterrestrial dragon civilization, once visited our planet.
Naturally, for this reason, periodically in this territory find traces of dragons, or even see them flying in the sky. It’s very difficult to judge how reliable this is, since There are no scientifically confirmed facts. But sometimes very even interesting finds. And one of them is literally fresh, accompanied even by video material (see below).
This video was allegedly recorded in a remote civilized world Zhangjiakou village that is located in North China. Here the skeleton of a huge dragon is found – about twenty meters in length. The skeleton has tiny paws and a huge horned the head. A long spine corresponds to the views of the Chinese about these fire-breathing dinosaurs.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
Skeptics thought it was an assembled skeleton from the head of an antelope and ribs of some animals, say, domestic cows, goats and so on. And although it’s hard to imagine that the inhabitants of some lost in the wilderness the villages will be engaged in such a hoax, it is possible that it could be done by television people, filmmakers, and then enterprising Internet users took it all off, mounted it and put it in Network (a deaf village in this case was simply tied to a material for more credibility).
A photo from open sources
Moreover, in China, if we turn to such findings, almost every found petrified skeleton is immediately called a dragon, before the analysis is carried out and it turns out in practice that it just the remains of one or another representative of the dinosaurs. For example, in China in 2006 in Chongqing even found a new look for this fossil dinosaurs – Mamenchisauridae. However, even then, immediately at first but a rumor went about the skeleton of a dragon.
At the beginning of this year, another species of dinosaurs was found here – Beibeilong sinensis, even named after the dragon, as it was found in a huge fossil egg, had wings and “promised” (in past, true) grow into a three-ton oviraptorosaurus flying just like a mythical fire-breathing dinosaur.
However, a video about a skeleton found in Zhangjiakou Village dragon is gaining popularity on the Internet. Most viewers, of course, doubt the authenticity of such a bold statements, but there are those who are sure that dragons really once existed on Earth, and if so, then their the remains must certainly be preserved. Now a word for scientists, if they are interested, of course, in this unique find …
Dinosaurs Dragons China